Month: March 2015

News: How Much Is TOO Much?

Which way was better: getting all of our news at a single point or two in the day, or the birth of the 24/7 news cycle, with news being reported all day long?

In general I think the twice a day (morning and evening) broadcast should have been the stopping point. You get the important information you need in the morning and then updates and information on new events in the evening. Anything that happens after the evening news will most likely be on the morning news so that is how the cycle goes. National or global coverage of important events usually crept in while you were in the middle of watching your favorite series.

How much is TOO much?
With the 24/7 news cycle it just seems like too much. When I go to watch a streaming broadcast I come out feeling exhausted and overwhelmed because so much information is shoved in at once. You don’t know where to focus – the images or people in the broadcast? The reporter(s) commentary? The words streaming across the bottom? And sometimes you go there to watch one thing and get so caught up you end up sitting there for an hour or longer and walk away filled with far too much information than every wished to know.

Too much stimulation, especially when it is negatively-powered is extremely unhealthy. When it is streaming 24/7 if you fall asleep watching it and end up waking up to it I doubt that is a good way to start your day. I like knowing that after I got what I needed out of the evening news can turn it off at any time during the broadcast. Live streaming tempts me to keep watching so that I don’t miss anything. So give me the morning & evening news. The rest of the hours of the day can be spent doing other things.

Confession: I do not watch the news very often. In fact, I tend to use Twitter as a news source and only watch the news on tv a couple of times a week if ever. By using Twitter as a news source I can get the information I need quick and easy at any time of day or night.

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo March 2015

Make sure you check out all of my NaBloPoMo Posts

Are you participating in NaBloPoMo this month? Let me know in the comments so I can read your posts.

When it comes to the news, how much do you think is too much?

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Bad News Sells

Do you believe the adage that bad news sells better than good news? Do you find yourself getting more response to negative posts than positive ones?

I do believe that bad news sells better, however, it depends on whom is consuming it. If someone is generally a positive person; negative information may rub them the wrong way but they are less likely to stick around for the muck. On the other hand, other people may stick around for it and feed off of it.

Unfortunately, there are some miserable people that don’t appreciate people expressing themselves in a positive way so they may come and attack them in an effort to bring the other person to their (comfort) level. Debates happen all the time over something that was originally positive because some people are just straight up party poopers. They feel that if they can’t be happy, neither can anyone else.

I try to be positive in my posts most of the time but of course it depends on the topic that I am blogging about. When I do write something negative it seems almost out-of-character for me, so I sometimes get more responses on those posts than other ones. Luckily, even though the attention is on a negative post, the responses tend to be positive and uplifting so I don’t mind.

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo March 2015

Make sure you check out all of my NaBloPoMo Posts

Are you participating in NaBloPoMo this month? Let me know in the comments so I can read your posts.

How do you respond to bad news in the media?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 6

flashback fridays
Welcome to another episode of Flashback Friday’s. If it is your first time here – Welcome & thank you for stopping by! If you’re returning – Thank you for returning & welcome back! Every Friday I do a weekly wrap-up of what went down during the week and I hope you have been enjoying it.

Hoppy Spring
Where did March go? Seriously? I feel like it went by in a FLASH. Being sick for nearly half of the month really didn’t help either. I still feel like I am playing catch up with a lot of things. Don’t get me wrong though, I am happy that it is Spring time and getting closer to Easter which means family time! I can’t wait to color eggs with the kids and do an egg hunt. Hopefully most of the family will make it out here this year. Bigger house and no cranky neighbors that complain about the kids having fun outside. I even made some “Hoppy Easter” stickers to sell in my Zazzle store.

Happy Easter Stickers
Round Hoppy Easter Stickers

One thing that does bum me out about the ending of March is that it is the end of the NaBloPoMo Posts. I was really enjoying the topics of the writing prompts and it got me in the writing/blogging mood. I even went ahead and cross-posted my Twitter As A News Source over there to reach a bigger audience. You can check that out here. I really hope I can keep this momentum going.

I spent most of this week indoors reading, drinking endless amounts of coffee, writing and binge-watching tv shows. I somehow thought it was a smart idea to watch a handful of episodes of Real Housewives of Atlanta. I think I have filled my reality tv quota for the entire month. It is like a car crash – it’s happening and you just can’t help but watch. HA! The weather has been humid and icky most of the time and the rest of the time it is pouring rain – HARD. Spring is definitely here. I know a lot of my friends in other states are still dealing with 30 degrees and below weather – Thursday there was a possible snow storm warning in Chicago – so I am not going to complain one bit.

Out and About
I did make it out of the house a couple of times though. I got to eat some yummy chicken at Jollibee and I also ended up at my favorite used bookstore. Of course I couldn’t help but dig through all of my favorite sections but I also decided to stop by the vinyl section just for fun. I love looking through old records. Some of the covers are pretty cool and make me want to throw a theme party. Tell me this doesn’t make you want to dress up and dance.

imageKlymaxx – Meeting In The Ladies Room

This week went by pretty quickly. One day it was Monday, I blinked my eyes and it was already Thursday. It was a nice week and I had fun playing with the dogs, reading and listening to music when I wasn’t reading and working on projects or applying for jobs. I have not been as active on Twitter as I usually am and some of my Tweeps noticed…oops. Gonna get back to tweeting more again next week. Thank you for stopping by and have a great weekend.

From Around The Web
+ Free Watercolor Photoshop Brushes
+ How To Find A Job You’re Passionate About

P.S. I updated my Hire Me page so if you are interested in seeing what services I offer, please head on over there.

If this is your first time here, did someone refer you? Let me know in the comments.
What are your plans for the weekend?
What is your favorite thing about Spring?

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False Media: Don’t Believe The Hype

Most news reporters on television have a sign off statement. What would be your sign off statement and why?
If I was a news reporter my sign off statement would probably be:

Don’t believe the hype.

Don't believe the hype. All fake news.

I am all for informing the masses about newsworthy events but most media outlets tend to thrive on creating hysteria. As a reporter I would hope to be honest and informative without causing people to respond with fear and anxiety. Ever watched the news and just come out being extremely stressed? Even if the topic itself was not that serious?

As a reporter I would want to bring the facts and nothing but the facts. No filling in my broadcast with unrelated nonsense. I would stay on topic and give the important information that my audience requires. When a reporter gives all this unnecessary information it can be annoying and overwhelming.

I don’t want to fill people’s heads with ideas and information that has nothing to do with what I am reporting. I know most other reporters would do it so I want to remind my audience that they really shouldn’t believe the hype.

And now, Public Enemy rapping “Don’t Believe The Hype”

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo March 2015

Make sure you check out all of my NaBloPoMo Posts

Are you participating in NaBloPoMo this month? Let me know in the comments so I can read your posts.
What would your sign off be?
Do you believe the hype?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Blog Life: Sharing My Life Online

How do you determine what is worth reporting from your life since not every moment of your day ends up on your blog?
I have been using the internet since about 1999 and sharing my life with the world since around the same time. I have always had a website, blog, journal or social media account in which I shared bits about my life. When I share my life online, I try to be as transparent as possible because I consider myself an open book. I like to know that the person writing a blog is a real person with real experiences and not just an online persona so that is how I choose to be as well.

When I read someones story on their blog about something they accomplished I get inspired or when they write about a tragedy I feel compassion. As bloggers, when we share our life with others we can often learn so much about ourselves. We can share common struggles or issues as well as praise each other’s accomplishments. Sometimes we connect on things and it turns into projects or even business partnerships.

When it comes to sharing my life on my blog I don’t have any specific formula that helps me to figure out whether the topic is worth a post or mention. If it is a major event I will usually blog about it. For example, I am currently working on getting a job and/or creating a business and I wrote about it. I shared my experience along with some resources. To me sharing is caring. And I care. I like knowing that if someone reads that post – or any of my more personal posts – that they get to know about me and benefit from any discoveries or resources I came across as well.

If something smaller happened in my life like I baked something from scratch, I may post about it on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook instead. I like to think I am pretty open when it comes to sharing what is happening in my life. When I blog I usually write and share about bigger moments so that people reading it can find out more about me or be inspired or laugh or cry. I enjoy the discussions that occur once I hit that publish button.

For me, blogging has been very therapeutic. I can write about things that are happening and share it with others. A lot of times when bad things happen in my life and I write about it people come and give me so much love and support. Though I am not blogging in order to find sympathy, I do feel that sharing what I am going through can help others with what they are going through and vice versa.

Bottom line… I am fairly open about my life when it comes to blogging and I have not published anything that I regret sharing with the interwebs.

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo March 2015

Make sure you check out all of my NaBloPoMo Posts

Are you participating in NaBloPoMo this month? Let me know in the comments so I can read your posts.
Do you like to read blogs where people share their life with readers?
What do you share online? Anything you are completely uncomfortable sharing online?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Endometriosis: Removing the Veil of Silence

Endometriosis Awareness Month
Hey y’all! This is a guest post from one of my favorite people Henry Okelue. He knows several women that suffer from Endometriosis and it inspired him to write this article.

Did you know that painful period or painful sexual intercourse might actually be something else? It might be something medically referred to as Endometriosis.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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