Month: March 2015

International Women’s Day + #RockTheRedPump

International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th of every year. It is a day in which you can celebrate ALL the women in your life.

The Red Pump Project®

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Video: Jackson Katz On Violence Against Women

It is the weekend so for NaBloPoMo that means free writing. I thought instead I would share a TEDx video about violence against women.

I first heard of Jackson Katz when I was doing research for a paper I was writing for a Women’s Studies course about The Patriarchal Roots of Violence Towards Women and at the time it was refreshing to hear a man speak about these types of issues. He speaks on male violence and not just towards women. Take a listen and see what he has to say. (more…)

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 3

Hertaintedlips Flashback FridaysWork Life
Most of my time has been spent Job Hunting Like A Boss + creating different streams of income. I have had a lot positive feedback and came upon some opportunities that are keeping me positive and excited. I also decided to start selling AVON again. I haven’t done that in forever but I always did pretty well in the past. I haven’t found a regular job just yet but I will keep y’all posted.

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The Biggest Obstacle Facing Women

What is the biggest obstacle facing women today from reaching their goals?

Where do I begin? I suppose I could pick one thing, but this is gonna be difficult. Having a vagina just might be the biggest obstacle facing women today but I will save that discussion for another post.

biggest obstacle women face (more…)

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Women’s History Month: Thoughts On Equality

Do you think we are currently living in a good time for women in history? Will we look back at this time period in the future and say that there was equality?

I think that we are living in a good time for women in history. Is everything peachy when it comes to being a woman? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Things are far from being equal and I am not sure they ever will be (in my lifetime) but we are making progress (no matter how slow.) In my opinion, it is a good time because more people are aware of and understand that there is a problem. The information about current issues facing women today is available for a majority of the people in the WORLD to access. (more…)

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Do You Vote? Why Or Why Not?

Do you always exercise your right to vote? Why or why not?
I do not usually discuss politics in any way unless it is with certain people because I don’t like that it often causes arguments. Since this is one of the questions for NaBloPoMo March 2015 though, I will go ahead and answer it. (more…)

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