Month: January 2016

Flashback Fridays – A Girl Just Wants to Have Fun

I hope that you all had a wonderful week! Thank you for stopping in to see what I had going on during the past week. If this is your first time here, welcome! Let me know how you ended up here… Twitter?… Facebook?… A Magical Unicorn Ride? I always like to know how people end up on my blog.

As most of you know, 2016 brought a lot of new “things” into my life. I ended up moving to a new place, I started a new semester at school, I started some new side hustles to supplement my income and lastly my drivers side door decided it no longer wanted to work so I now have to climb through the back door to get into the car.

I have tried to stay calm and not get overwhelmed by everything that is happening in my life and this past week I decided I really just wanted to do some FUN things and enjoy myself. So you will see that theme here.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

So… last weekend was really great. I got to take care of my niece and nephew while my sister and her husband spent the weekend together. We spent our time watching a lot of Netflix and playing video games. It was really nice. We watched Jem and the Holograms cartoon shows (from 1985) – it was like I was a little girl again. We also watched a lot of Sponge Bob because they are into that for some reason.

We would take breaks and we would also play a little Just Dance 2016. So we got our workout in for the weekend and it was a blast. They created my own character (not sure what they are called) on there and we challenged each other and cheered each other on. Fun times!

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A photo posted by Uneek Diva (@uneekdiva) on

Another thing I have been doing lately is taking a lot of e-courses, attending webinars and online classes related to business and blogging. Last weekend I watched a Visual Strategy for Pinterest. It was excellent! They gave me some great tips and I have loved Pinterest from the first pin I have ever pinned. I used to just pin everything I loved but now I do things a bit differently. I pin smarter!

Last weekend was also my youngest sisters birthday and she chose to go to a museum as her birthday activity. We ended up at the Bishop Museum and after checking out all the Polynesian and Hawaiian exhibits we went to the World of Wearable Art Exhibit. There were so many amazing pieces and the video they had of the event was amazing. It was hard to take pictures of all my favorites because it was dark and my phone was drying lol.

World of Wearable Art Inkling
Inkling by Gilian Saunders, New Zealand

I enjoyed myself so much! There was also an area to make your own paper dolls and my family and I had fun drawing and cutting and pasting to “design” wearable art for our paper dolls.

This was a busy week for me at work and school, however, I was able to find moments to do some of my favorite things such as reading, writing and hanging out on Pinterest for a bit. I even ended up using a recipe I found on Pinterest to cook an easy dinner.

What fun things did you do this week?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Making Well-Being a Priority at Work

Work Relationships

Most adults spend a majority of their time at their job. Because our time spent there makes a huge impact on our lives, people should think about making well-being a priority at work. Often times we spend so much time there that we sometimes end up with a “work family” of sorts. Since we spend so much time with the people we work with it is important that we take care of and look out for each other when we can.

Even though the dynamic may be different because it is the work environment, people often take care of each other in some sort of way. If you have close relationships with the people that you work with you, may know at least the basic information about them. Others you may have more personal relationships with. Either way you know a little about them and can use that to build a positive work relationship.

Managing With Integrity

When it comes to upper management, things often change because managers are supposed to manage, delegate and guide others. However, staying too removed from the people that they work with can often hurt not only work relationships but also the work environment in general.

By forming (healthy and appropriate) relationships with their employees; managers can help their employees to do better which will in turn make their jobs easier and more enjoyable as well. Did you know that in many large corporations when there seems to be a lot of problems the first person that gets in trouble is the manager if it looks like they are not working well with others? If that doesn’t encourage you to work better with others, I don’t know what will.

Praise and Encouragement

It is extremely important for people that are in charge to encourage and praise their employees when they are doing well. When someone is praised for their “good work” or “dedication” it often makes them not only feel better about themselves but can also inspire them to continue to do great work.

When someone feels like their hard work has paid off and they get complimented for it, it can positively effect their well-being as well. As a manager, the health and well-being of your employees should be just as important as them turning in that assignment by the deadline. Healthier employees often equates to happier and harder working employees. If they don’t feel balanced in all aspects of their life it can really effect their performance.

The importance of making well-being a priority at work. Tips for upper management from an ex Retail Store Manager

Making Well-Being a Priority at Work

As the person in charge who mentors and guides their employees, making well-being a priority at work can do things like:
– increase morale
– boost employees self-esteem
– be a catalyst for positive change in the work place

Whether you are giving out compliments or holding health and wellness seminars – it is important to help your employees live better. If people feel good on the inside it reflects to the outside and in everything that they do – which includes their work.

My Personal Experience in Retail Management

Retail work is not for everyone. There are cranky and crazy customers. Often long hours and not enough pay. A lot of the time this equates to high turn-over. As a Retail Store Manager I always took it upon myself to praise and encourage my sales girls. Whether I ran a sales contest with prizes or made it a priority to always say a simple “thank you” at the end of their shift – I tried to treat all of the employees like they were just as important as my management team was.

There were several times where employees would later come to me and say “thank you” in return for encouraging them and treating them like human beings. I genuinely cared about how they were doing and where they were going – from their education to their career. You can form relationships with people and still hold your position when it comes to your job. Be one of the positive people in their experiences during the week.

Ways to Recognize Employees for Their Accomplishments

By recognizing employees for their accomplishments you can make often make them feel better overall. If you know that they are into competitions you can set a production or sales goal and reward the top performers – you can even reward everyone else just for their effort.

Some of the ways that you can recognize employees for their accomplishments:
1. Create a spreadsheet, poster or board that tracks your top performers: Based on my experience, this can create some healthy competition between employees and often makes everyone feel great about what they are able to accomplish while they are in the zone. You can change what the goal is every week, month, quarter and so on and even the activity because in general some people are better at certain things overall so you want to make it fair as well.
2. Recognize them during team meetings or events: If you have a small team you can have a prize, reward or certificate for everyone and point out what their best assets are. If you have a larger team you can give out bigger rewards but still give out maybe a treat bag or something small to the other members of your team.
3. Tell them to their face: When someone is going above and beyond for a long time they may be discouraged if it goes unnoticed. Give them a boost of confidence by pulling them to the side and saying “thank you.”
4. Encourage them while on the job: If you have a few employees around you do a pow-wow and point out each persons strengths. You can say something like “Jenna is really great at analyzing our XYZ reports; feel free to ask her if you want some tips.” This works well because you are pointing out the strengths of someone and encouraging others to look to them if they want some tips (which often boosts peoples self-esteem because they feel like they are the person to talk to.) Also, colleagues that are at about the same level in regards to job duties and responsibilities are more likely to ask each other questions and when they do you want them to go to the right person for certain questions.

Those are just some of the ways that I have recognized employees for their accomplishments – what are some of the ways that you have recognized your employees in the past? How have you made others feel better in the work place? How have you made well-being a priority at work? Let me know in the comments or give me a holler on Twitter.

You may also like: Job Hunting Like A Boss

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Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s – New Adventures

Happy Friday! I hope that you had a wonderful week and that everything is doing great for you! Can you believe we are already halfway through January? Is 2016 about to speed by like 2015 did? I sorta hope it doesn’t because this year I have a lot of things going on and some of them I want to take my time one – I will get into that in another post – for now I will share just a few of the things that happened in my life this past week.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

I moved
Last weekend we packed up a truck with all of my belongings and drove 45 minutes away to my new studio. It was a major workout because it is an old building and we had to go up and down 3 flights of stairs. We somehow made it out alive – my legs felt like jello but I also felt like I had a great workout. Let’s just say I didn’t have gym day until a few days later. I am excited about this new adventure, in a new place but nervous at the same time. I think it will be good for me and one of the cool things about it is that I now live just a 10 minute ride from work. I love it because I can wake up at the same time, but get other things done in the morning – like reading, blogging and so on. Very cool.

I started a new semester
Like most college students around the nation, a new college semester started for me on Monday. I am currently enrolled in one College Algebra course and my other courses are all Psychology courses (my Major is Psychology.) This should be a good semester and I am so happy that I am getting closer to finishing my degree. I was dreading taking another math course, however, I am already enjoying the Professor I have and I think I may actually enjoy the course because of this.

Other happenings
I am currently working on a ton of posts – one is a post about some of my favorite college resources so be sure to check back for that. Make sure you sign up for my mailing list so that you can get new posts directly in your inbox. Or follow me on Twitter to interact with me and you can find out about my new posts there as well.

I hope that you have a beautiful weekend! I plan on finishing putting my place together and getting some much needed rest. What do you have planned for the weekend?

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Valentia True Glow Eye Cream Review

I received a bottle of Valentia True Glow Eye Cream at a discounted price in exchange for an honest product review. All opinions are my own. This post includes affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you decide to purchase this product.

My friends and family have teased me since I was in my late teens because I am off and on obsessed about skin care [and in my late teens/early 20’s scared to death of getting wrinkles]. I have since calmed down with the obsession but I do feel having a skin care routine is important. If you take care of your skin, you will be so happy with the results for years (and even decades if we are being honest) to come.

I have to be honest, I haven’t been taking great care of my skin lately and for 2016 I plan on really stepping up my game. I want to have smooth, soft skin for as long as I can – great skin care will help with that.

For me, one issue I have had is dark circles and tiny wrinkles under my eyes from late nights (in the past it was insomnia, now it is blogging and working on business ideas.) [Side note: I am trying to do better on the sleeping thing as well.]

Well I recently came across Valentia True Glow Eye Cream and I think that this may be one of my favorite products at the moment. I really noticed a different in the firmness of the skin under my eyes and I do see a slight change in the pigment under them as well.

Valentia True Glow Eye Cream is specially formulated for your the skin under your eyes, however you can also use it on other parts of your face. I have not used it on other parts of my face, however, I think if it may work on your neck as far as skin tightening goes.

I really liked that just one pump gave enough product for both eyes. I always use my pinky finger to apply anything under my eyes. Just put a little product on the tip of your finger, make a few dots and dab until it is absorbed in.

My first time using it I could instantly feel it working on firming up they under eye area. Even though it comes out as almost a mustard color it absorbed into my skin and didn’t leave any strange color.

Valentia True Glow Eye Cream

As I mentioned above – I noticed a slight lightening of the dark circles under my eyes and I think if I am consistent it will be even better in a month or so. This really makes me happy because it is one of the reasons I don’t like to take pictures – you can see the shadows!

So far I am really enjoying Valentia True Glow Eye Cream and I would recommend it to anyone that has issues with the skin under their eyes. I will make sure to let y’all know the final results once I finish up this bottle.

Do you have any issues or concerns about the skin under your eyes? Have you tried Valentia True Glow Eye Cream? What are your thoughts on this product?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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My Favorite American Idol Performances

It really is amazing how long American Idol has been on television. I am almost in disbelief that this season will be its last. I keep thinking that at the finale they are going to announce that they are actually going to go just… one… more… season. But I have a feeling they really are going to close the curtains and say goodbye. Knowing that this is the end got me thinking to what my favorite American Idol performances were.

For the first 5+ years I would tune in to see my “favorites” every week and vote for them in hopes that they would make it to the next round. I even had a couple of people that I knew through friends and family that went to auditions here in Hawaii (you can see one of the video’s below.) So here are my favorite American Idol Performances (in no particular order.)

Favorite American Idol Performances

Fantasia Barrino – I Believe

This was one of my all time favorite American Idol performances because it was so full of emotion. I felt like I was in church listening to someone’s testimony. It was so touching and powerful. Even through those tears she proved why she deserved that winning spot. *drops mic*

Sing it Tasia:

Kris Allen – Heartless

I loved Kris and after he did this performance, it really sealed the deal for me. He went from trailing behind and being boosted straight into the winner’s circle. His rendition of this Kanye hit was unexpected but done so well.

Check Kris out:

Adam Lambert – Tracks of My Tears

Why Adam didn’t win… ok… not gonna go there. But this version… really people. Adam is a PERFORMER and I was so happy that he did not go overboard with this. [Side note:I don’t see it as overboard, but ya know… American Idol]. There was just enough tenderness in it and I know others enjoyed seeing this side of him. It was a beautiful performance.

Please… let Adam entertain you:

William Hung – She Bangs

So… I remember the exact moment that I was watching this episode. I was sitting in the nail shop getting a pedicure after work. The nail shop wasn’t too busy but there were enough customers and nail technicians there that it felt like we were having a viewing party. When William Hung was being interviewed all I could think to myself was… this… should… be… interesting. I just knew regardless of how great (or horrible) his voice was about to be – Simon was going to grill him. Boy was I right. When William started singing and “banging” around everyone in the nail shop literally stopped what they were doing and stared – I am guessing saying to themselves “is he for real?” – and at the end nearly all of us starting laughing so hard. And along came Simon with his sassy response. I was laughing because it was funny but also because that man was passionate about what he was doing – I thought it was adorable. When Simon chimed in I felt bad, but I still giggled a little. His audition is probably one of my favorite American Idol moments.

Watch William Hung perform Rick Martin’s ‘She Bangs’:

Candice Glover – Lovesong

I really love(this)song [see what I did there?] Unfortunately, so many people have attempted to sing it and failed… miserably. Until Candice gave it life again. Her smooth and jazzy rendition really put me in the feels and I simply do not understand how she is not FAMOUS after that performance. I mean… come on… Mariah Carey went on stage and tossed glitter at her!! Randy Jackson said it was “one of the greatest performance’s in the HISTORY” of American Idol. Come on people. I think I voted for her the most out of any American Idol contestant.

Check Ms. Candice out:

Jessica Sanchez – And I Am Telling You

This young woman had such a big voice coming out of that petite body. Keep in mind she was just 16 years old. She was singing like a grown ass woman. *ahem* It is like she swallowed a soul singer and they are trying to escape her.

Jessica tells you that you’re gonna love her:

Jessica Sanchez – Dance With My Father

If you don’t get the feels hearing her sing this… something is wrong with you. Seriously. I could just write a whole post about Jessica Sanchez on American Idol… maybe I will… ok… no I won’t. But really… she just has a natural talent.

Hearing her sing is really inspirational and you hear her speak – she has some wisdom in her even as a teenager. After I finish this post I need to look up what she has been up to lately. She deserves the best.

Grab some tissues and get in your feelings:

Anoop Desai – Thank You

This was totally unexpected and I laugh every time I hear Simon talking about Anoop’s clothes and totally dismissing his vocal ability. Simon had to find something to say so he didn’t have to immediately admit that he liked what he heard. I liked some of Anoops other performances and really love some of the music he put out but his audition was really great in my opinion. Also… I cannot confirm/deny that I may have had a little crush on him.

Anoop Dawg:


Let me say this… I know Isaac… he is a family friend. As far as the person in that audition… I only sorta know him. Ha! I have heard Isaac sing in person – and he is way better than what he sounds like in the audition. Even in the audition he wasn’t as horrible as some people are but that is besides the point. I just found it hilarious that he went out and tried to bring back some “fans” – that actually seems like something he would do – American Idol or not. I loved that he stood up for himself to the very end and didn’t care what anyone else thought.

Isaac’s confidence is what makes his audition one of my favorite American Idol performances:

Bonus: Local Girl, Paula Fuga

I put Paula in here because she is from Hawaii… and… because she has a lovely, soulful voice. Even though she didn’t make it past this audition on American Idol, she did end up with people that appreciated her vocal ability.

Here is Paula’s audition:

Here is Paula Fuga performing ‘Country Road’ with Jack Johnson:

Lastly, Paula Fuga at TEDxMaui speaking about being homeless in Hawaii as a child and reaching her dreams:

After reading about my favorite American Idol performances, what are YOUR favorite American Idol performances?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Review

The great folks at Matcha Organics offered me this product for a discounted price in exchange for a review. All opinions stated here are my own. For more information please visit my disclosure page.

If you don’t know, I really, really, REALLY love green tea. For awhile I have been wanting to try Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder because I heard so many great things about it. I have read articles about how it helps with energy, metabolism and memory/focus. Since I am starting 2016 trying to live a healthier lifestyle, this was the perfect time to try it out.

Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Review

You can use Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder for lattes, smoothies, shakes and baking.

The package suggests using 1/2 to 1 tsp per day. I would suggest starting with 1/2 tsp and working your way up. If you are not used to a strong or bitter tea flavor start at the lower end and/or add a sweetener.

Here are two recipes that I have used so far:

Hot Matcha Green Tea
– 1 cup hot water
– 1/2 tsp Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder
– honey or agave syrup (optional)

Iced Matcha Green Tea Lemonade
– 1/4 cup hot water
– 1/2 Tsp Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder
– 3 tablespoons lemon juice
– honey, agave syrup or your favorite sweetener (optional)
Directions: Mix hot water and Organic Matcha Green Tea Extract Powder until powder is dissolved. Mix cold water and lemon juice. Take both mixtures and pour over ice. You can always add more lemon juice and a sweetener.

My first time making a beverage, I noticed a boost in energy nearly right away. I felt a little peppy but without the jittery feeling. It was the perfect energy boost for the busy day that I had. After I use up this packet of powder I may just have to order more of it.

Since we are on break from school, I can’t give a full opinion about the memory and focus aspect, however, I did notice I felt a bit more clear-headed. Green tea often does that to me, so I sort of expected that from my experience with this product.

Do you use Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder? What are your favorite recipes?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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