In replace of Flashback Friday’s (where I normally do a round-up of some of my favorite things from the week) I decided to do a review of the past year as we bring in 2016.

Flashback Fridays Year In Review 2015 Hertaintedlips

+ Celebrated the new year with family and friends in Georgia. It was a nice start to the new year especially since the end of 2014 was a bit rough for me.
+ Began planning the re-launch of this website.

+ Started getting serious about making personal, professional and blogging goals.
+ Introduced Flashback Friday’s to the blog. This was extremely fun to do and I wish I had stuck with it throughout the year but a lot of personal things were going on during the middle of the year so this got put on the back burner for awhile.

+ I was Job Hunting Like A Boss
+ Started doing the tasks required to meet my blogging goals.
+ Participated in NaBloPoMo for the first time. The topic for the month was “News.” Take a look at my NaBloPoMo Posts. I also cross-posted one of my posts on BlogHer. You can check that out here: Twitter As A News Source

+ All of my job hunting paid off – interviews and job offers started rolling in and I eventually was able to get a job. I started working part time and I really enjoyed this change in my life.
+ Not only did I start working again, I also started selling AVON again.

+ This was a great month – I was able to see a handful of important people in my life graduate from college. Always great to celebrate others accomplishments with them.

+ This summer was humid and HOT. Probably the hottest summer I have ever remembered experiencing in Hawaii. It was ridiculous. I was having a lot of health problems and did end up having a small procedure done because of it. Recovery was super quick but I kept having different health issues and getting sick. The humidity and vog did not help at all. I was having sinus issues and horrible headaches but as the weather slowly cooled down I started feeling better.

+ My birthday month! I had a really great birthday dinner with my family – nothing too fancy. I did attend a couple of events with family and/or friends and that was really nice as well. Had a great time at the water park – perfect for cooling off during the hot summer heat.

+ After a loooooooooong break from working on my Bachelor’s Degree I finally went back to school! It took awhile to adjust to being a student – I forgot how much time it takes to read, study and do homework. I slowly but surely was able to get on track. The best thing I did as a student was making sure that I put everything on my calendar and scheduled time for studying/homework during the week.

+ Another change I made was my hair. I decided to try Thermal Straightening again as the hot and humid months really made my curly hair misbehave and I was just ready for a change.

+ As rough as this year was on me spiritually and mentally I suppose it was a year of changes. In October I started working out again – even got back into the gym! Started with 1-2 times a week and worked my way up to 3+ depending on the week.
+ After a hiatus from blogging I decided to start working towards my blogging goals again because I missed blogging so much but with school I had to figure out how to fit it back into my schedule. Once I did, things got better and I started working with the drafts that had been sitting there waiting for me.

+ I ended up with a cold that turned into Bronchitis. What a great way to start the month!
+ Thanksgiving was really great and I enjoyed the time I spent with my family.

+ I participated in an Instagram Challenge (I didn’t post everyday but I was able to do most days.
+ I was a Featured Blogger at Blogelina.
+ I made it through the year and my first semester back to school.

How was your year? Let me know in the comments.

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