Month: March 2016

Flashback Friday’s: Spring into Break

I have been waiting for this Friday for a couple of months! Next week is officially my Spring Break and I actually took off from work so I can have an actual break! WOO HOO. Go me! I had some ideas about things to do next week but we shall see what I actually end up doing.

So… welcome to Flashback Friday’s – the post where I sum up what happened during the week. It was a pretty boring week actually and flew by quickly like last week!

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

College Life

So I had 1 exam this week and I still have a paper due this weekend that I am in the process of working on – no pressure. I am glad that the exam I had is over and this week was mostly spent in lectures doing some reviews for when we come back from Spring Break. I will be taking time out every day next week to review things and my plan is to get ahead with assignments and papers so when we get back to class the following week I will have less on my plate to do. Wish me luck!

Blog Life

Like I said last week, I am going to spend a bit more time writing blog posts than normal. I have been so focused on school lately that everything else really got behind. I do have some great blog post ideas for here as well as a few for so stay tuned.

Life, Life

I have no life… ok… I do… but it has been consumed by school work. I have been so exhausted lately from late night study sessions. So much so that two days in a row I came home from work/school and just passed out for a couple hours. I got some exciting news though… my BFF let me know when her wedding is going to be so I am going to start planning that trip ASAP. I can’t wait!

I was looking forward to eating some yummy food and hanging out with family on St. Patrick’s day but I didn’t have the time or the energy to do it – but Easter is coming and that is always an exciting time with family. Speaking of family, my little nephew is growing up so fast. Got to give him some kisses and hugs – his giggles and smiles brightened my day.

Work Life

I got some cool news from the bosses last night about some things that we will be working on in the future. I am happy to be part of something that continues to expand and try different things. I have always wanted to work for a company where I could grow with them and offer the skills that I have as well. It has been a good balance so far and I look forward to what is ahead.

How was your week? Do anything exciting? Have a flashback friday’s type of post on your blog? Link it in the comments!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: It’s Friday AGAIN??

Welcome to Flashback Friday’s!! *rubs eyes* Is it really Friday… already?

Not that I am complaining or anything, but it is really crazy that it is Friday already. I am super happy that the weekend is here because I feel like this was just one of those long weeks that were never going to end. I know some of you can relate to that. I have one more week of school next week + an exam I have been dreading before my Spring Break. I took off from work that week as well because I just need to relax and do some fun things but I will talk about that later! Read below to see what I was up to this week!

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

College Life

I can’t wait for Spring Break! I had one exam to do last weekend for my online class and I have another exam next week – super nervous about it but going to study every day until it the information is really stuck in there. I’m already having dreams about it – yikes! Wish for my brain cells y’all. Please and thank you.

Blog Life

I only wrote one post on about International Women’s Day, but I did write a couple of posts on I wrote about some of my favorite weight loss posts which was fun. I also wrote about my favorite diabetic-friendly snacks and my current exercise routine. During spring break I will be working on a lot of posts for this month and next month but for now take a look at what I have written and let me know what you think!

Life, Life

Although life has been pretty crazy lately – I did have a nice time this week with family. One of my cousins that I haven’t seen in forever came here to celebrate his graduation. It was good conversation, good food and a good time! I also met some of my relatives that I have never met before – that was really cool! The older generations on my moms side are all about genealogy and it is making me want to do a DNA background test even more! It is really amazing that I am alive today based on what my ancestors went through! I want to look more into my dad’s side because I don’t really know much about it – but I will let you know what I find!

Work Life

WOO. I am so happy that I actually enjoy my job. When I’m not at my regular job I’m doing my freelance/side hustles – blogging, freelance writing, social media tasks and so on. I am actually happy that I haven’t had too much to do with the freelance work lately because I have been so busy with school work. It has been a good balance but I do want to find a couple of clients to work for consistently to increase my income.

Well, now that you read about my week – I would love to hear about yours. Tell me about it in the comments.

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Happy International Women’s Day 2016

Today is International Women’s Day 2016.

International Womens Day Pledge for parity

Last week I took the pledge to help women and girls achieve their ambitions. What do you pledge to do?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Life Is A Roller Coaster

Hey ya’all! I hope that you had a wonderful week! My week was full of ups and downs – a lot like a roller coaster. I had some of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But it was a great week to say the least. I was able to finish a lot of things that were on my to-do list (which was A LOT of things). I am so happy that it is the weekend. Even though I won’t really be spending it doing anything too exciting I am going to allow myself to get some much needed rest and relaxation.

Any who, if you are new here, welcome to Flashback Friday’s where I write about how my week was. It is just a fun writing activity I do to share with my readers what is going on in my life. I hope you enjoy it!

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

College Life

Since I had the flu at the beginning of last month I had so much to catch up on the last couple weeks of the month. I had papers to write, homework to do, chapters to read and exams + quizzes to take. Last weekend I spent so much time on school work that once I was done catching up I just had to sit there and listen to music.

My brain had so many concepts and information floating around in it I had to take a bit of a “brain break.” My favorite way to do that is to either listen to classical music, visit or listen to Focus at will.

I have more exams in a couple of weeks so my brain and eyes really needed that break so that I can prepare for what is next. I can’t wait for Spring Break because I am actually taking a break and possibly doing something fun.

side note: One of my papers that I wrote was about working memory. I read an article and wrote a reaction paper on the effects of daytime naps on working memory performance. The subjects in the study that took daytime naps that led to REM-sleep did significantly better on working memory tasks. So next time you are debating on whether or not you should take that nap – just know that it may be helping you in more ways than you know.

Work Life

Work has been going all right. I really do like my job and I can’t believe I will make a year there this April. It seems like it has only been a couple of months since I started. I was supposed to be looking for another job that can offer me more hours, however, with school it just is not going to work in that manner and I am working super hard on my freelance writing to bring in an income to makeup the hours of work (aka $$) that I am missing since I go to school on certain days that I used to work on.

Speaking for Freelance Writing (and blogging) – I am making a nice amount of money on the side doing something that I enjoy doing. I could be making more, however, because of me being sick for a week and having to play catch up – I wasn’t able to make as much as I wanted to last month but I am really excited about what is happening for me and my side hustling. I’m thinking about sharing my side income here on the blog perhaps in the next couple of months – not sure just yet.

Life, Life

Goodness! The main issue that has really been a problem lately is my car. Things just keep going wrong with it and there has been a lot of time and money going into it. It can be so frustrating. I am blessed to have a family member that can do most of the repairs I have needed recently but you really don’t realize how much you rely on your car until it decides it doesn’t want to behave for you. I am hoping after this week it decides to shape up lol.

The other problem I have been having is not getting enough sleep. I am super tired all the time, however, I just have been having such a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep. And of course there are those nights I had to stay up a little later because I wanted to get a project done for school – but other than that sleep keeps running in the opposite direction. I hoping that this month I can get my sleep schedule back on track!

Blog Life

I haven’t had a lot of time to work on blogging as I would like to since school is one of my main priorities at the moment. Even though I haven’t really posted much here, I have been working behind the scenes with Kristina on our new project. If you don’t follow me on Twitter you may have missed my little announcement but you are invited to check out our newly launched blog. is a blog about our weight loss journey. It’s about a serious issue but from our funny and sarcastic point-of-view. We wanted to hold ourselves accountable and share our experiences with others because we know we aren’t alone in this journey. We hope you join us!

How was your week? Anything special planned for the weekend? Let me know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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