
Can you solve for a? I’m kidding. My brain has been scrambled lately – much like the title of this post.

As you may have guessed by the lack of posts lately – I have been hella busy. Between getting extremely sick and trying to pass all of my classes lets just say I am pooped. This semester has been a rough one with so many setbacks and I am just barely holding on by a tiny little thread. Next week is our last week of classes before finals. I cannot wait to take that last exam and say hello to summertime which includes visits from family members over the next couple of months and my birthday (July 10th – mark your calendars).

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

College Life

As I write this I am taking a break from studying – I just really needed to step away and do some writing. I have a college algebra exam in a couple of hours and wanted to do a couple of practice problems again. I like to step away from what I am studying and do something enjoyable and then go back to it again. Taking a nap is also good as well.

The past 2 weeks have really been spent studying concepts, dealing with algebraic expression and writing papers. Lots of late nights and early mornings but I know it will all be worth it in the end. After this semester I have 2 more semesters before I graduate with my Bachelor’s degree. I simply cannot wait – there has been a lot of bumps in the road on my journey there so I look forward to walking across that stage and receiving my diploma.

Blog Life

I haven’t really had the time (or energy) to put into blogging like I have wanted to. I have a ton of drafts just waiting to get worked on for all of the websites that I am a part of and I promise way more posts over the summer months since I won’t have my head in a book or logged on to an online course.

Work Life

Work has actually been a great “distraction” from college. HA! We have been super busy with taking care of something that is due ASAP but it is not something that is usually a big part of my job so it has been exciting to do something a little different this time. Our company has some exciting projects in the works so I look forward to growing and learning even more with them. I just made 1 year here this month and I can’t believe it has been that long already. I feel like I just got interviewed a couple months ago.

I completed my part of the writing project I was previously working on and was blessed to get another opportunity from the same people to do something a little different with them. I am excited about where this is going as I get to write – which I enjoy doing – and get paid for it – which makes it even more enjoyable! Still not sure about sharing income from blogging and writing gigs online but I will think about it over the summer.

I hope that you had a wonderful week and have a beautiful weekend. If you are going to be in town this summer please let me know – we should get together for drinks.

P.S. Y’all gonna watch Beyonce’s “Lemonade” special on HBO?

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