Yes… I know… I have been missing for awhile. Life has been… LIFE. Whew. But I’ll be back very, very soon – I promise. Things have been crazy to say the least. You know how sometimes you are holding on for dear life but everything you are holding onto just continues to unravel faster than you can get a hold of it? Well that has been life lately.

From hospital stays, financial setbacks and the death of a dear family member – I have been going through some things. But I miss writing. I miss blogging. I miss sharing with all of you and expressing myself through my lil old blog.

Since I decided NOT to take summer classes I have more time on my hands to spend working on my different online projects and now that most of the hiccups seem to be smoothing themselves out I can actually focus more energy on it in the next couple of weeks. I a bunch of family in town for a little while more so it may be a bit slow moving here – but I’ll be back very soon! I hope all is well with you and You and YOU… XOXO

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