Month: July 2016

Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum + Hyaluronic Acid Review

I received a bottle of Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum at a discounted price in exchange for an honest product review. All opinions are my own. This post includes affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you decide to purchase this product.

Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum Hyaluronic Acid Review

Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum is a powerful youth serum meant for women and men of all ages that enjoy the benefits of anti-aging products. This serum is meant to be used after washing your face and before applying your moisturizer (I prefer using one with an SPF.) The company recommends that you use this serum twice a day (morning and evening) for the best results.

Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum has the following ingredients meant to promote anti aging by making your skin look and feel younger:

  • 20% Vitamin C: prevents and treats UV-induced photodamage, helps in collagen synthesis, helps brighten skin
  • 11% Hyaluronic Acid: humectant which helps to prevent moisture loss
  • Aloe Vera: anti-inflammatory, helps heal damaged skin

When I first used Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum I giggled a little because the product is actually orange (like the lovely oranges that are full of Vitamin C). Not to worry – it doesn’t make your skin orange or anything. Due to the color I was expecting an orange/citrus scent, however, it has a very light scent – kind of a generic skin oil scent.

I really liked that it was lightweight and not too sticky – most products with Vitamin C that I have tried are super sticky. Also, it absorbed fairly quickly so I was able to put my moisturizer on fairly quickly on days that I was in a hurry.

What I also liked was the packing – the silver with white and orange is really pretty and it gives it a high end look. Also the airless pump is one of my favorites because you have better control of how much product comes out. I only used 1-3 pumps for my entire face and neck (don’t forget your neck ladies!)

Here are the main benefits of using Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Super Youth Serum:

  • Lifts and firms
  • Eliminates lines and wrinkles
  • Brightens skin
  • Removes dark circles
  • Stimulates collagen production

If you are a fan of serums, you would probably enjoy using Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum. It helped to brighten and firm my skin. I have dark spots and discoloration on my face and this super youth serum did lighten some of it. My neck looks significantly smoother with less lines and I do feel like my face in general looks firmer than when I first started using the product.

Are you a fan of anti-aging products? Have you tried Naturel Commodity Vitamin C Serum? Let me know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s

Hey there! Happy Friday! I can’t believe it is the last Friday of the month – my birthday month went by way too fast. One thing is for sure… I’m sure happy that it is the weekend!

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Life, Life

Last week I wrote about passions and having a quarterlife crisis. I think this quarterlife crisis deal may just last for a couple more years (or at least until I reach certain personal goals that I feel I need to reach by the time I am 40 years old.) I am working on really focusing on the things I am passionate about and not giving up so easily. I will keep you posted as I go along.

Speaking of passions…

Check out this video from Marie Forleo called How To Pursue All Your Passions Without Looking Flaky

This is the last weekend of July – wowza! Last weekend I had fun hanging out with family. I ended up at Walmart and Target getting different ideas for re-decorating my room as well as trying to figure out what school supplies I will need this semester.

I am taking mainly online classes this time around so I won’t need as many items as I usually do. I am hoping that will help once it is time to purchase my *cough* expensive *cough* textbooks. I haven’t even looked up the books I need just yet because I’m not ready to purchase them just yet. I have a few more weeks to put that off. HA!

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Blog Life

I have really been on a roll lately when it comes to working on blog posts. I hope that I don’t lose this momentum when school starts next month. Please wish me luck! I have a bunch of product review posts coming up and want to do more beauty and fashion posts as well. I am trying a different blogging schedule and it seems to be working better than before and it will work well once school starts back up again as well. I changed the way I do blog tasks and I am really liking the results that I am getting.

Posts I enjoyed this week:
+ Popcorn and wine pairings: 2 of my favorite things together! Oh yaaaassss!!!!
+ How to get sh*t done when you’re completely overwhelmed: I wish I had read this a year ago (and six months ago.)
+ If You Love Me, You Would…: When people manipulate relationships…
+ The Power of Small Wins: Of all the things that can boost inner work life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work.
+ 7 Questions Every Psych Major Is Tired of Hearing: Seriously! Just because I am a Psychology Major that doesn’t mean I am here just to give you free therapy sessions. lol

Save Up To 40% on all New Shared Hosting Packages with code: HOTJULY at today! Ends, July 31st!

I hope that you had a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend. Let me know what your plans are in the comments (or holler at me on Twitter) xo

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Passions and A Quarterlife Crisis

Aloha! Welcome to another Flashback Friday! I hope that you had a wonderful week and that this post finds you in good spirit. If you are new here Flashback Friday’s is my way of wrapping up what I have been up to during the week – from online shenanigans to my regular shmegular life. I really appreciate you for stopping in to read about what I have been up to this week and would love to know what you have been up to as well – so feel free to leave a comment or say hello on Twitter.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Life, Life

Last weekend was extremely productive for me. I worked on my Avon business, cleaned and purged a bunch of items in my home and was able to write and schedule a bunch of blog posts. I feel so extremely proud of everything that I was able to accomplish. I am trying to get as many things done this summer as I possibly can because once school starts back up I know I will have to adjust my schedule significantly to make time for homework, papers, projects and so on. I’m glad that I have had this time to work on things that have been lingering on my to-do list forever.

I have a lot of fun things that I have on my summer to-do list which includes pursuing things that I am passionate about. I won’t go into any details at the moment but I will for sure share it with y’all as I get things done so come back and visit and make sure you subscribe so you know when a new post is published!

As I have mentioned before, life has been pretty hectic and I am slowly feeling all the anger, hurt, frustration and confusion slowly calming down. With that being said, I realize I have been having a sort of quarterlife crisis. I know what I want to do with my life – the main thing seems to be helping people. In what capacity? I think that is wherein the issue lies. I have been doing a lot of praying and meditating on this lately because I feel like I need guidance.

Show me where to go and what to do Universe!!

I am nowhere in the place I would like to be/think I should be at my current age but I am willing to take any extra steps necessary to get there. I think this year (2016 and this new year of my life) is really a time for growth and exploration for me. I am out here testing the waters and really listening to my inner voice. Of course you are all welcome to join me on this journey and if I have any epiphanies I will be sure to share it!

You might enjoy:
+ Stuck in a Quarter-Life Crisis? Mira Joleigh Has a Word Just for You
+ Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps
+ How to use your voice and share your gifts

I recently watched Laura from iheartplanners youtube video How to Find Your “Thing” and I really enjoyed it because as a blogger and entrepreneur I am always thinking about what my “thing” is – unfortunately, I tend to always have a bunch of “things” that I want to pursue. I like how she shared how she got to where she was and I hope to get there one day as well.

Watch the video below:

I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I did!

Blog Life

So as I mentioned above, I was able to get a lot of blogging tasks done last weekend. I am really proud of myself and so happy that it didn’t feel like “work” as much as play. Sometimes all the things that come with being a blogger can get you down or feel tedious but I really enjoyed myself and hope that I have many more days, months and years of this type of enjoyment and motivation when it comes to blogging.

Posts on blogging that I enjoyed recently:
+ My Last Words: What I Want You to Do With My Blog When I Die
+ 8 Incredibly Helpful Blogging g Tools You Didn’t Know Existed
+ The Do’s and Don’ts to Using Header Tags for SEO

How was your week? What have you been passionate about lately? Have you found your “thing”? Let me know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Favorite Avon Products and Deals

As most of you know, I am an Avon Independent Sales Representative and it has been quite awhile since I posted anything about it. Well since it is summer time and I have more time to spend on my blog and my Avon business + there are a lot of great products and deals available right now, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite Avon products and deals.

New and Current Favorite Avon Products

avon smooth minerals blush

These Smooth Mineral Blushes comes in six different lovely shades and I can’t wait to get my hands on all of them. Use this lightweight powder to get a smooth airbrushed look. They are currently on sale for just $6.99 (regular price $10.00)

avon dazzlers top coat nail polish

Dazzlers Top Coat Polish is so pretty and fun to use. Paint it over your favorite polish or use it alone. I currently own the Disco Ball and Va Va Violet and I really love them. I like to do 2 coats for a really pretty dazzling finish.

skin so soft

I am loving the New Skin So Soft Products. I really want to try the Skin So Soft Supreme Nourishment Triple Phase Oil because it sounds like something my skin would love.

shop avon deals coupons

Current & Upcoming Avon Deals and Coupon Codes

For a limited time: Select makeup is on sale up to 50% off.

For a limited time: All Bath & Body products are 4 for $9.99.

For a limited time: Fragrance is Buy 1, Get 1 FREE.

For a limited time: Select makeup is buy 1, get 1 for $2.99

Ongoing: Join eBates and get 8% cash back on your online avon purchase.

Ongoing: 20% off your first online order of $50+. One time use only.
Use code: WELCOME

Ongoing: Join ebates to get cash back on all of your online Avon purchases.

July 16-18: FREE Foot Works Pineapple Chill set: 2 Cooling Lotions and 2 Exfoliating Scrubs with any $50+ order.
Use code: CHILL

July 16-23: FREE Tropical Applique Tote + Foot Works Pineapple Chill Cooling Lotion and Exfoliating Scrub with any $75+ order.
Use code: PINEAPPLE See image below:
avon tropical tote

July 19-20: Summer Romance Sale. Save up to 50% on your favorite product crushes
July 22 – Flash Sale – 30% off select products.
No code required

Make sure to check out the BIG SUMMER MAKEUP SALE

avon summer makeup sale

shop avon deals coupons

shop the avon brochure
Shop the current eBrochure

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Mid Summer Ramblings

I hope that all of you are doing well! This week went by in a FLASH! So glad that you decided to join me here and read about what I was up to this week. I assure you, I haven’t been sick recently so that is 1 of the best things ever. A HUGE thank you to all the well wishes, texts, tweets, prayers and so on. I really appreciate it.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Life, Life

Last weekend I celebrated my birthday with my family. Nothing over the top was planned – just a simple BBQ with delicious food and adult beverages. I haven’t consumed large amounts of alcohol in a very, very long time and my body (at 4:00am) reminded me that I am not a young chick anymore. I woke up with a headache and craving chicken pot pie – I’m still craving that chicken pot pie. I’m actually surprised that I didn’t wake up with a hangover later that day – just a bruise and scrapes on my knee that I have no clue where they came from.

Side note:
>>Best hangover prevention for me is ibuprofen before bed and gatorade/powerade + plenty of water in the morning. STAY HYDRATED!!!!<<

I forgot to take some ibuprofen before falling asleep – probably because I fell asleep on the couch with my phone in my hand. Those drinks basically hit me out of nowhere.

I love being an Auntie! The past couple of weeks I have been helping to care for my niece and nephew and I loved every moment of it – even when they were driving me bananas and I wondered how parents seriously do this – day in and day out. But I enjoyed it. This week they had a performance at their Summer Program and I was so happy to be able to go ahead and check that out. They are growing up so fast and I try to be there for every moment that I can – my niece saw me in the audience and had the biggest grin ever when she spotted me. These are the moments that make my heart melt.

Blog Life

Now that I am feeling better I have been diligently working on being a better blogger. I am going to take a serious look at my blogging goals and update them where needed. I have learned so much recently and been inspired by other more successful bloggers. The blogging community really is a great one!

Unfortunately, we sometimes get screwed!!!!
If you haven’t noticed I have affiliates and sponsors that I work with. I also occasionally sell (and sometimes give away) ad space here on the website. One of my favorite ways of doing that in the past was through a company called Passion Fruit Ads. Well, since I haven’t been really active in blogging I didn’t notice that the company basically closed + vanished off the face of the earth. Even thought I didn’t personally have any financial issues, they apparently owe a bunch of bloggers some major $$$$

Some ticked off bloggers even created a Facebook Group so if you are looking for answers, to share your story, support and so on make sure you join Screwed by Passion Fruit Ads. It is a small community at the moment but after a search on Twitter I have seen that there are many, many bloggers that got the short end of the stick. For example, you can read Chelsie’s and Janine’s stories for some information and personal experiences.

I really can’t believe that the company posted that they were closing and just vanished – owing bloggers money. This isn’t going to end well. I tried to cancel my subscription with them today and it said that one doesn’t exist so I’m guessing that is why I haven’t been charged in the past couple of months. But I feel p*ssed off about the other bloggers that have been getting charged for the service yet aren’t getting paid for the advertising and other services that they have done. So be careful out there about who you trust.

Work Life

Work has been alright. Since it is the summertime we are a bit slower than usual, however, things will be getting going very soon in these parts. I know my bosses are working on some great projects for the future. They are intelligent, innovative and driven – they inspire and motivate me to keep working on the things I have been working on. I really am blessed to be surrounded by a great people in my work life doing something I enjoy doing. It makes going to work exciting and positive.

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful weekend.

Are you enjoying your summer? What exciting things have you done or plan to do?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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My Favorite Birthday Freebies & Deals

It’s my birthday today! WOO HOO. Yet another year older (and hopefully wiser.) One thing I have realized is that as you get older the Christmas and Birthday gifts tend to taper off. I am perfectly fine with that since time with family and friends is a good enough “gift” in my opinion.

With that being said… what person doesn’t enjoy getting gifts or little treats here and there to celebrate another year of life? I will admit… I DO, I DO!! I forgot to grab up most of my freebies last year but I decided to take advantage of it this year and reap the benefits. So behold, some of my favorite birthday freebies and deals.

birthday freebies and deals

Starbucks offers free birthday rewards during your birthday month. So far I have gotten free drink (of my choice) during my birthday month. I overheard someone saying they may let you choose a food item in lieu of a drink – but don’t take my word for it. Go ahead and sign up for an account and get your free birthday drink! They have several other great rewards that they give you for signing up and loading your card as well. Enjoy!

Sephora gives you beauty freebies for your birthday. This month there are two different sample sets to choose from – one with face products and the other with makeup. If you are like me and love their products – I promise you that you will absolutely love the birthday freebie that they offer you.

Join the Baskin Robbins birthday club for a sweet treat on your birthday. Who doesn’t love ice cream??

I just found out about this recently so I haven’t gotten this birthday freebie just yet. Word on the interwebs is that if you sign up for Ruby Tuesday’s newsletter you get a free appetizer. As a bonus you get a free burger for your birthday (worth up to $9) – how amazeballs is that?

Are you the type to eat breffis (breakfast) any time of day? Me too! So check this out! Denny’s will give you a free grand slam on your birthday. Don’t forget to bring your Photo I.D. so they can confirm that it is your birthday. Free breffis food you say? Well heck, I’m in!

What are your favorite birthday freebies and deals?

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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