As promised, I’m back (sorta). Just when I started to get my life back together (AGAIN) – I ended up with the stomach flu! So as I sit here and sip my ginseng tea while listening to the Motown Radio Station on Pandora I decided I could take a moment to write up a little something. I probably won’t finish this post in one sitting because as soon as my tummy calms down I am going to get some more much needed rest. (Yup – had to come back three different times to write this post)

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

How are y’all doing? How is your summer going so far? Welcome to July (aka my birthday month and the BEST month of the year. HA!) Even though summer technically just started, I started recognizing it at the beginning of June. I have been having a lot of fun with all the family that came down to Hawaii to visit but there have been some rough patches along the way.

After a delicious seafood feast I ended up in the emergency room with an allergic reaction to shellfish/seafood. I am super bummed about that because I was planning on going to a seafood place for my birthday dinner but I will do with a BBQ with family instead.

Next slap in the face was having my Aunt pass away a week later. She was having some health issues, ended up in the hospital, had 2 heart attacks and then her heart stopped beating and they could not bring her back. I am devastated to say the least.

I did not meet her until I was in my mid twenties but when we met we formed such a great bond. When I lived in Georgia she was more than just my Aunt. She was my friend, my second mother. She taught me so many things and I feel like she had so much more to teach me. I feel ripped off. I envisioned having children, getting married and having other wonderful experiences that I would be able to share with her. Those dreams and wishes came crashing down. I am still in shock – though it is more than that – I just can’t put it into words.

So those are just some of the reasons June 2016 really was a shit show. I have faith that things will get better. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and Happy and safe Fourth of July. Take care of yourself. Tell people close to you that you love them. If you haven’t spoken to someone in awhile – reach out. You never know what others are going through. xo

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