Month: September 2016

Flashback Friday’s: No More Adulting Please

Thank you for stopping by for another Flashback Friday’s. I hope that you had a wonderful week and that this new month is treating you well. As you can see by the title of this post – I am a bit over this whole adulting thing please. Is there any way that I can return to sender somehow? HALP.

As I mentioned last week, Mercury Retrograde has already started playing with me. Even though I joke (a little) about how things seem to get turned upside down during this time – it ain’t a joke. Nope. Nope. Nope. Continue reading for more reasons why I want adulting to end.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

This is a new semester for me – only a couple of weeks in and I feel like everything that could go wrong *gulps* is going wrong. Nothing too crazy to do with actual homework, studying and so on has really happened since last week.The issue is that my financial aid appeal process is taking longer than usual and I was having some problems with getting the textbooks I needed as well. Most of these issues should smooth over within the next week, however, the waiting and anticipation is driving me banana’s. I just have to take deep breaths in and out and remember that everything is working out in divine timing.

Did you know you can schedule pins on #Pinterest? Get started for free with @TailwindApp

Aside from school “issues” I had a major freak out during the week. Since last weekend my phone charger has been acting wonky – it wasn’t charging as fast as usual and eventually I noticed the cord was a little wobbly. No problem. I have an extra cord.

Unfortunately I forgot to switch it out, my phone died overnight and I ended up being late to work. I have been using the alarms on my phone for awhile now (ever since my actual alarm broke) but been meaning to purchase a new alarm clock “just in case.” Well guess who went out and purchased a new alarm clock that very same day.

Side note: allergy pills make me very drowsy so I didn’t naturally wake up until way later than usual. o.O

So those are just a few of the not so fun things that happened during this week of adulting. Can someone please take this adulting thing back? I don’t think I was prepared lol.

I have been meditating a lot lately so that I stay grounded because it seems like every little thing has been bothering me lately. I hope that the weeks ahead are going to be more positive and that things really do work out better. Now I am off to work on our research project for school. Have a wonderful weekend.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Labor Day Weekend Deals

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase an item using one of the links below we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. For more information please see our disclosure page. Validity dates are listed as given at the time of publishing this post – please refer to the individual company websites for more information.

Happy Labor Day Weekend folks. If you are enjoying a longer weekend – I hope you find something wonderful to do instead of having to work. If you have to work – I hope you have an enjoyable experience. Either way, I hope that this is a great weekend for all of you.

I am lucky enough to have Labor Day off so I will probably be spending time with family and friends – maybe a beach day. There are some hurricane and tropical storm warnings out here in Hawaii so we just have to go where the weather guides us. Wish me luck!

Aside from extra days off one of the other great things about Labor Day is all the great sales and deals available! If you’re like me – you want to avoid the mall if possible so online shopping in your pajamas is the way to go. I went ahead and found some of my favorite deals to share with all of you so take a look below for more information.

Join Ebates for Cash Back

Before you go any further I want to recommend that you sign up for Ebates. Why? Because makes shopping online so much fun because you never know what kind of savings you will get. They offer coupons and cash back at so many different websites that you are bound to find a deal at many of your favorite online stores that you normally wouldn’t even know about.

So before you shop online again – sign up for a FREE Ebates account. A lot of stores are having double cash back offers for Labor Day so make sure you check out that section as well. You can search the website for cash back offers and special coupons. I always find at least 10 different places I planned on shopping at that are offering cash back!

If you are a Chrome user like myself you can also install the Ebates Chrome Browser Extension. I love the extension because once you install it and start shopping online it will alert you if there is a cash back offer or coupon available. Super easy to use and activate during your shopping trip.

So stop what you are doing, open another tab in your browser, create an Ebates account and come back to shopping these deals.

Online Labor Day Sales & Coupon Codes

Beauty, Makeup and Skin Care
NARS 3 Piece Gift Hertaintedlips
Receive a complimentary 3-pc gift, plus free shipping with $50 purchase! Gift includes: Mini Orgasm Blush, Mini Audacious Mascara, and Mini Larger Than Life Eyeliner in Via Veneto. Use code NARSTRIO at checkout. Ends September 30th.

$10 off Massages & Facials

Fashion & Accessories

Even more Labor Day Deals

Education & Business

For Bloggers & Techies


Get $10 off $50 at using code STYLE10


How are you spending your Labor Day? Let me know in the comments.

Don’t forget to sign up for a FREE Ebates account to earn cash back when you shop online.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Mercury Retrograde Edition

Mercury Retrograde is NO JOKE. I know people make fun of it, however, I really feel this is the time when The Universe takes all the things you may be worried about and says “challenge accepted”. Let me just say, this post is going to be more of a complaining rant – but you gonna be alright and you have been warned lol.

Anywho, I hope that you have had a wonderful week and that things haven’t gone too crazy for you. It is Friday – so enjoy this post with a glass of wine and I would highly recommend that you back up your files while you read.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Life, Life

It seems like everything that could go wrong is just like “heyyyyyyyyyyy Rose, we are coming for ya” this week. Like what is really going on? I don’t want to really go into everything at this moment but if you follow me on Twitter or Snapchat I’m sure you have read/heard a bit of my complaining about the more personal issues that have been happening lately.

School & Work Life

With a new semester comes new responsibilities and I promised myself that this semester I would do significantly better than I did last semester. For me this includes getting homework, studying and projects done well ahead of time. Well this past week I was doing well until one evening I went to take my online quiz and the WiFi went out. I took that as a sign to go stretch, drink water, relax and so on.

Well when I came back the WiFi was still going in and out with no reliable connection. My laptop also decided that at this moment it wanted to do an update. No biggie – I like to keep my laptop updated. So I clicked on the “update and restart” button and walked away. It restarted but didn’t update. I tried a couple more times – no update. So I tried the “update and shutdown” option – still wasn’t updating. At this point I was so frustrated.

I tried one more time and it updated. This was apparently a huge update which required my laptop to restart a few times and when it finally updated and the WiFi was back on… it was 3 hours after I had planned on taking my quiz. I was beyond annoyed and once I logged back on to my computer my little sticky note was missing (luckily I was able to find it) and my background image was gone and it was defaulted to the hideous blue windows screen. Needless to say I did not do my quiz that day.

Blog Life

If you follow me on Twitter you will know that last weeks Flashback Friday’s post didn’t post. I was having technical issues and my post literally vanished. I keep searching for it and I’m just really not sure what occurred. I am just going to pout about it for one more day and move on. HA!

Aside from the post not publishing on time because of the WiFi issue I mentioned above (which seems to keep happening off and on this week) it was extremely difficult to work on blog posts the way I normally do but I was able to get enough things done that I feel semi-accomplished. I am hoping next week will be better.

One good thing that happened this week is that I was contacted by someone to collaborate with them which was super exciting for me. I look forward to sharing more about that in the future.

Currently listening to:

The 20/20 Experience – Justin Timberlake

Currently snacking on:

Smartfood Delight White Cheddar Popcorn

Alright, enough of me complaining. Mercury Retrograde isn’t that bad (I guess). And as long as I don’t dwell on the “bad” things it won’t bring about more of the same. It can be a growing and learning time as well. The overall message I have been getting lately is to back up everything and expect delays.

If you don’t really know about Mercury Retrograde or what the “big deal” is, here are some articles to help you out:

How was your week? Anything crazy happen to you? Let me know in the comments!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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