If you follow me on social media you probably know a bit more about all the things I have been going through since I have been M.I.A. from this website lately.

Long story short: I have been stressed out and near my breaking point. There have been a lot of things going on in my life and I am exhausted – physically, mentally, emotionally. I need to do things differently or I am just going to hit bottom.

I have decided I need to do things differently. I recently had a birthday and in a few short years I will be 40 (GASP). My Dad’s (R.I.P.) birthday was a few days after mine and I have been thinking a lot about how fast life really does pass by and that there are many things I have said I wanted to do or experience and I just haven’t really put forth much effort into making these things happen.

I need a break. Actually… I need an escape. I was going to just plan a staycation and get a hotel in Waikiki or stay at one of the resorts and just play tourist for a weekend but I decided I really wanted to get off the rock and go somewhere to see some of my favorite people. I planned on flying to California to see my BEST FRIEND and family members and head to Vegas at the end of the trip to see more family members. Reality is my part time job is in retail so I don’t have that flexibility so I am sticking to just a 7 day California adventure.

I have nothing spectacular planned but I can’t wait to get to California and see my Bestie that I haven’t seen in far too long, hopefully get to see a couple family members and find some time to relaxxxxxxxxxxx.

I find it very funny that people continue to hint at me not coming back. I will come back of course but I feel like I will come back a better version of myself because I will not be in the same day-to-day routine I have been stuck in lately. I am praying for there to be moments of clarity on this trip. Time for me to reflect on things and plan on what I want to do in the near future. I am so excited to really get out of this rut I have been in. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way so I encourage you to choose one thing on that list of things you told yourself you wanted to do ages ago and DO IT.

Stay tuned for more details on the great escape.

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