Month: February 2018

Link Love: Organizing and Planning Tips

Now that things in my personal life have settled down a bit I have been trying to get more organized and making an effort to plan my life in advance. I notice that when I plan things out in advance things tend to run more smoothly and I have less things to worry about. Since I have been actively working on organizing, planning and cleaning up my to do list and calendars (paper and digital) I have been searching the internet for inspiration. So check out some of my favorite information that I have found along the way.

Top Organizing and Planning Tips

Organizing Tips

I really enjoyed Laura’s post How to Combat Digital Hoarding. In the digital world that we live in we now have many more digital files and without a system they can be a big old mess. Laura shares some of the things she has been working on with some great tips.

Most of my digital files are fairly organized, however, the problem is I need to purge the ones that no longer serve a purpose (and purge more often). I also want to do a better job at naming digital files and making sure they have a home. Another issue I have is that I have things in so many different places – Dropbox, Google Drive (I have my personal one and one that was used for school – they need to be merged) and on my laptop as well as some on my phone.

I really liked how Laura talked about pdf’s in her video. Nearly all the pdf’s I have are in a folder called “To Read”. The problem is, I don’t really get around to reading these as often as I should. I made a promise to myself that I would read a few every month and either archive or delete them. Some are a couple pages are tips and others are manuals, articles from when I was in school or entire books. I don’t need all of these taking up precious space and just need to go ahead and read and/or purge them.

More organizing tips:
+ 101 items to get rid of without regret
+ 3 Steps to Organized Files

Planning and Productivity Tips

I really love watching Nora Conrads videos on planning and productivity on YouTube. Two of my favorite videos are from her Productivity Series called The Brain Dump Method and Scheduling Your Brain Dumps.

I have been doing brain dumps for as long as I can remember. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I found that not only did other people do it but there was also a term for it. I used to do my brain dumps strictly on paper but now I do it on paper and also in ToDoist. As Nora notes it helps to clear “mind clutter”. I tried scheduling my brain dumps but sometimes they just happen whenever they want. I know if I don’t write it down or input it in ToDoist somewhere I will probably forget about it temporarily (or permanently on some occasions). I try to make it a habit to go through my brain dumps and make actually create tasks of the information if needed that way it is organized and not just a bunch of words.

Watch all of Nora’s Productivity Series videos

During one of my late night YouTube watching binges I found this GREAT VIDEO from Speaker and Author Amy Landino titled How To Plan Your Day. My favorite part was when she said a to do list is like a junk drawer – it has a bunch of stuff in there (mostly important) but needs to be organized.

Take a look:

When I stumbled upon How To Become A Morning Person & Love It I almost skipped to something else but I really enjoyed the infographic that was in the article and there were some helpful tips there as well. I am totally not a morning person. I have tried (and failed) several times to become one and that is just not part of my genetic makeup. In face, I am up at 1:49am on a Saturday morning working on this post. Does that count as being a morning person? I am almost sleepy enough for bed but I’m enjoying working on this post.

More productivity tips:
+ 30+ Gmail Tips and Tools That Can Boost Productivity
+ Video: 8 Things to Do Before 8AM to Make Your Days Less Hectic
+ 12 Evening Habits Worth Developing

What issues are you currently having with organizing and/or planning your home or life? What are some of your favorite organizing and planning tips? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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What to Binge Watch on Netflix

What’s that? You want something other than what you see on cable tv to watch? You enjoy a binge watch session here and there? Well you have came to the right place. Since our home is being renovated I haven’t been able to watch cable television unless it is at a friend or family members house. This means when I do want to find something to watch my first stop is Netflix. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite shows and movies that are currently on there. FYI: I am not responsible if you end up binge-watching something.

what to binge watch on netflix

What to Binge Watch on Netflix

WARNING: We will not be held responsible if you miss important deadlines because you got caught up in one of the shows mentioned here.

Stranger Things: If you loved The Goonies, E.T. and Stand By Me you need to get to binging on this Sci-Fi goodness. It is listed under Horror fiction as well – the supernatural essence may make some of you jump. And when you have a moment make sure you check out the Stranger Things soundtrack – SOOOO GOOD. You still have time to catch up on the first 2 seasons as they are still working on the next season.

How to Get Away With Murder (HTGAWM): If you haven’t watched this yet… what are you waiting for? Originally premiering on ABC this drama focuses around Annalise Keating, a confident lawyer and criminal law professor that is both admired and feared by her students. The series follows Annalise and a group of her students as they go through not only the stress of law school but the stress of real life acts of crime as they discover just what it take to get away with murder. This show will keep you on the edge of your seat with every twist and turn.

Dexter: This Showtime cult fave is a mystery series that follows the life of Dexter Morgan. Dexter spends most of his professional time as a blood splatter expert, however, he also keeps a dark secret – he is a serial killer. He isn’t the typical serial killers, he actually chooses his victims based on the crimes they commit. Watch this show to see how Dexter justifies his kills and attempts to stay one step ahead of the very law enforcement that he pledged to help.

Breaking Bad: If you haven’t watched this show you must be living under a rock. This is my third time watching this series. The first time I watched it I was like “this is a really great show”, the second time I really fell in love with it and I started watching it again a third time to introduce my Mom to it and we binged watched episodes every couple of days.

Breaking Bad is a crime drama and introduces the audience to Mr. Walter White – a high school chemistry teacher that is diagnosed with Lung Cancer and soon realizes that he can take his passion for chemistry and turn it into a multi-million dollar drug empire. He is joined in his adventure with his street smart ex-student, Jesse. They are in for a wild ride as they face drug lords, the Mexican Cartel and many interesting characters along the way. The chemistry between the characters, solid story line and great acting makes this probably one of my favorite series of all time.

Daredevil: Action!

The Punisher:

Sense 8: I watched Sense 8 twice and I am so glad that I did. The second time around I saw things that I had initially missed (or forgotten) the first time I had watched it.

Ozark: I watched Season 1 in 3 days (hangs head in embarassament). This show is SO GOOD. Currently rewatching Season 1&2.

After writing this it seems like I enjoy Sci-Fi, Murder Mysteries and Comic Book series. This urged me to write another post with other genres for people with other interests. I think I may have to write yet another post about Netflix cartoons and/or kid shows to watch. What are your favorite shows to watch on Netflix? Let us know in the comments!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: The Longest January Ever

Happy Friday! I hope that you had a wonderful week and have some great plans for the weekend. I’m hoping to savor every moment of the weekend after the month that I had.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

I can’t believe that it is already a new month. I feel like January went by VERY quickly yet dragged on for…ev…er. According to social media, I am not alone in feeling this way. We got to February 2018 very quickly, yet we were slapped around all month that we almost feel good about it coming to an end. [Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are on this].

I feel like January was a very taxing month. Physically and mentally I am spent. Nearly the entire month I was either fighting a cold, stressed out, ill with the flu and continuously playing catch up with projects at work and at home. Nearly half of the people I interact with (if not more) had either a cold, flu, Bronchitis or other yucky illness in January. The flu and other bugs that were going around were simply not playing with us – they were taking over.

Related Articles:
This Flu Season Is the Worst in Nearly a Decade

There was just a very strange energy the entire month. Family, friends and co-workers confirmed that last month was the same for them as well. It was like January’s mood was “I am gonna git you sucka” – and most people I know really got-got. I am so happy that it is over!

One of the best things about January was being able to spend a day with my sisters and some friends for my youngest sisters birthday. It was a nice closing to a very wishy-washy January. I’m looking forward to what February has to offer.

What are your big plans for February? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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