flashback fridays hertaintedlips

I am a self-proclaimed night owl. I feel most productive (or maybe my mind is just more active and creative) at night. About 10-15 years ago it was insomnia but I learned to channel all that sort of mindless energy into doing things – reading, writing, listening to music or even watching tv with the timer set so it would turn off after I dozed off.

I have tried many times to become a morning person. Sometimes because I wanted to be one of those productive people that work up early and got so many things done prior to starting my actual day. Other times it was because I had a job that started at 7:30AM which meant I had to be awake early anyways. Let me just say the having to do it because of my job made me not want to do it even more. HA! I now have to leave my house at 7:30AM for work instead of be at work at 7:30AM. Very happy for this.

The past couple of weeks, however, I have been reading a lot of posts and watching a lot of YouTube videos on becoming a morning person. Most people that have tried it say they love how much they get done when they wake up early. The main tips I hear are starting going to bed a little earlier each night and waking up earlier each morning. Also avoiding being too stimulated before bed and allowing natural light to come in during the morning hours is up there as well.

Even though I know the basics on how to become a morning person it is much like my working out and eating (mostly)healthier decision, there have been many ups and downs in this journey.

Speaking of health, wellness and working out… After nearly a month of being sick I finally started training with my trainer again. One of the workout homework assignments she gave me is to start running in the morning so that I have it done first thing and I avoid making up excuses or being “too busy” to do it later. This has worked very well so far. You can read more about my running and training here.

Becoming a Morning Person

This morning I woke up at around 5:30AM even though my alarm is set for 7:00AM. I was going to crawl back in bed after a bathroom pit stop and sipping some water but I happened to glance at my phone and yet another becoming a morning person video was suggested to me [here is that specific video].

After watching the video I was about to lay back down but decided to come and work on the post above and since it was short and sweet I decided to come to this website and work on this post that you are currently reading. It is now 6:38AM and I am still tempted to go back to bed but I am feeling rather successful to get two posts posted in one day prior to 7:00AM and they aren’t even pre-scheduled to post!

As I opened up WordPress I was thinking about this past week and what I have done. I realized aside from working, going shopping, meditating and watching The Sinner or Grace & Frankie on Netflix I have had a pretty laid back week. One thing that really stuck out, however, is that I have been watching an abundance of videos about becoming a morning person and how to be more productive in general.

I’m not sure if this is a subconscious thing or not but I have been waking up unprompted between the hours of 4:30AM and 5:30AM nearly every morning. Usually I will drink some water and fall back asleep but lately I have found myself doing things like following up on emails, reading articles, catching up on global events or even like this morning, working on blog posts. It takes a little self talk to roll out of bed (or at least sit up in bed) and work on some things, however, I am becoming a morning person and it isn’t even because I am forcing myself to become one.

How about you? Are you becoming a morning person?

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