Month: July 2020

What I’ve Been Reading: Online Edition

Due to internet access I tend to read a lot more articles online (like most people I know). Whether it is on my laptop or on my phone you can usually find me reading something online at any given time. Here is what I have been reading lately.

This post about the importance of rest I really resonated with because I have been practicing more self-care whenever I can. Another thing that I have been working on is writing daily – I don’t do it every day but I do most days so I really enjoyed 10 Steps To Writing A Book And Getting It Published It has inspired me to keep going.

One thing that I noticed I have doing more of (bad habit) that others have been doing as well is shopping online. Sure – getting groceries is one thing but shopping for random things can really add up. I enjoyed reading about 50 cheap products that make life so much better because it features a ton of cool products and gadgets at affordable prices – most of which I have never heard of. Is this feeding into my habit? Perhaps. But it is nice to be able to see some things that I may not have ever known about if I hadn’t happened upon this list.

If you know me you know how much I love quotes so when I came across this article about 9 motivation quotes to get you through the day I just had to share with my readers.

If you’re into freebies such as spreadsheets, fonts and so on check you this Freebie Archive full of fun downloads to check out.

These are just a few of the online articles/posts that I have discovered recently. I hope that some of them help or inform you in some way. Let me know in the comments what you’ve been reading online lately.

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Reader’s Input: Help Me Out

Hi readers! Thank you for stopping in and reading. I hope you were able to take a look around and read some of my posts that are available. I appreciate your love and support.

I just wanted to check in with y’all and see what you think about the blog. I enjoy sharing with my reader’s but I want to make sure I am touching on the topics that y’all are interested in. I consider this blog a lifestyle blog and like to touch on different topics when I can.

My posts are mostly personal posts and/or opinion posts but I would love to know what y’all think is missing from here. If you have been following me awhile or have checked out a few of my posts I would love some input on what you enjoyed and what you would like to see more of here. I want to make this blog something that you enjoy coming back to so your input would be great.

Please leave your input in the comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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7 Things to do when you’re bored at home

Sure – most of us have things that we do daily. Things that take up our day but there are also times in which you are bored and want something to do.

For a lot of us, we have had to spend more time at home and that can often lead to boredom. I know recently I have been feeling a bit bored with my new “normal” – I have a pretty set routine and I tend to want to do something else so I thought about some things to do when I’m bored at home. Per usual I thought it would be cool to share it with y’all in case one (or more) of these things sounds like something you would be interested in.

Here are 7 things to do when you’re bored at home.

  1. Start a garden: This is something that a lot of people have been doing lately and I think it is such a great idea. Whether you start growing vegetables or just want to be a plant mom/dad, this gives you something to do nearly daily that you can be proud of the end product.
  2. Start on that project: Whether it is home repairs or writing that great novel – it is important to START. Take some time out to prepare yourself for it and then just do it!
  3. Binge watch that tv show you’ve been putting off: I’m sure there is at least one tv show that you have recorded on your DVR or is available on Netflix or Prime Video for you to check out.
  4. Learn something new: Whether you take a paid course, read books or find a free online retreat, find something that you have wanted to learn about and dive right in.
  5. Pamper yourself: When you have nothing important to do but you want to feel good and maybe relax do some self-care. Here are some ideas.
  6. Update your to do list: This could mean going through your to do list, paper lists, online calendar (or paper one) and organize it. Move things around. Cross things out. Add things. Whatever it takes to make you more productive.
  7. Contact a friend or family member: Shoot a text out to check on someone, give someone a call, send out an email or write a letter/send a card to let the important people in your life know that you care, love them and/or are thinking about them. We have so many options when it comes to contacting people, use the extra time you may have to take advantage of it.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Product Review: Haus of Gloi (Indie Brand)

As they continue to get launched I keep getting introduced to new indie brands on social media. Sometimes on Twitter but a lot of time there is buzz around them on YouTube and Instagram – for me, especially Instagram. I thought it would be fun to do some reviews on some of the products I have been using from these brands going forward. One of the brands that I was introduced to by my sister is Haus of Gloi. Here are some of the products that I have used from them so far.

Twice Is Nice Soft Bubbling Scrub by Haus of Gloi

This scrub was gifted to me by my sister. It has a pretty smell – to me it smells like buttery almond cookies. I love that it isn’t too abrasive. It does what it says – bubbles up a bit once you add some water so it is more of a soft, bubbly scrub.

It leaves my skin feeling smooth and soft even after one use. I would definitely purchase this just based on the scent alone but also for how smooth it makes my skin feel and the fact that it is not abrasive.

Summer Perfume Oil in Flutterby by Haus of Gloi

This was also gifted to me by my sister. The website describes it as “Clean cotton, warm summer winds, and linden blossom” and for me it gives off soft scent of fresh flowers. It is a very pretty scent. Something to wear on a summer evening.

The scent is fairly long lasting. and it is something I would purchase.

One thing I noticed on the Haus of Gloi website was that they come out with new products/fragrances so it is good to check back on their website for new fragrances. My sister and I plan on hopefully trying one of their new scents soon.

Visit Haus of Gloi

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Turning 40: Things I have learned

Hi there! If you have noticed I have been posting more lately. One of my promises to myself was that I would post on a regular basis so that this blog is not just sitting here waiting for some love. Since it is my birthday month and I’m turning 40 this year I thought it would be cool to share some of the things I have learned over the last 40 years.

I feel like 40 years is a long time, however, it feels like the time has flown by quickly. I have had so many experiences over the years and learned so many things about myself, about life and so on. Coming up on this milestone I have been doing a lot of reflecting and I am hoping that this post resonates with some of you. Here are just some things I learned in the last 40 years:

Your only competition is YOU. Society teaches us that to get somewhere we need to compete to get to the top. This may be true, however, I believe that your biggest competitor is yourself. You should always strive to do better than what you have done in the past if there is something you would like to accomplish.

Practice can get you a long way. It is often exciting to learn new things that you never knew before. Whether it is at school, through a new job or any other experience. Sometimes you get nervous and other times you find joy in learning something.

Unfortunately, if you do not practice what you learn you may forget about what you learned. For example, if you start a new job and learn how things work and what your duties are, without practicing it you may forget what you’re supposed to do – sometimes people will take a vacation from work, come back and forget some of the things that came naturally to them due to practicing them daily. Practice the things that you learned.

Self-care is important. Over the past couple of years I have noticed more and more people mention what they do for self-care. I wish this was something that I had learned (and practiced) at a younger age and more religiously.

Even now I often forget to take time for myself even if it is something small like making my favorite tea. I am learning more and more each day to take a moment whenever I can to practice some self-care because I deserve it and it makes me feel so much better once I do.

Your mental health is important. I have written a few times on here about my struggles with my mental health. I have had issues with it since I was a teenager and it got worse as I got older due to me neglecting it. Just as the health of your body is important, the health of your mental and well-being is just as important.

Whether you start to meditate, see a therapist or if your on medication – remember to take it religiously, make sure you are taking care of your mental health just like you would with any other health issue that you may have.

There are bullies everywhere. In a lot of grades I was bullied and picked on. I know many people that have been bullied as well. What I realized later in life is that bullies aren’t just mean girls in high school. There are people that bully you as an adult too – it could be family members or co-workers. Regardless of what situation you are in you may come across a bully.

As you get older I think it is best to stand up for yourself and not let them make you feel down or unworthy of respect. Muster up the courage to set boundaries. We all deserve respect.

Time is precious. We are given this one precious life and the years that we are allotted to live them. Once those years are gone, they are in the past. We can learn from past mistakes and regrets but what are we going to do with the rest of our life? Are we going to continue to live with regrets or are we going to take the reign and live the best life that we possibly can?

Do that thing. Start that business. Tell that person you love them before it is too late. When my father passed away I felt like I just did not get to tell him how much I cared about him as much as I should have.. Make that change. Take that trip. Do things that bring your joy. Discover your passion and dive into it. Don’t sit around as your life passes you by.

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Product Reviews: June 2020

This post started in June but it wasn’t completed until the beginning of July since I was still in the trying new things phase and wanted to be able to share the most information about the products that I’m reviewing. I hope that the waiting period gives you the best reviews I have to offer.

For background on my skin it is fairly oily around the t-zone. I have noticed it has been getting oilier more than usual lately and I have been getting breakouts on my chin and lower jaw area so those are things I want to work out in regards to my skin care routine. I also have some dark spots here and there that I want to not only brighten a bit but I also want to prevent future dark spots as well.

CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion (Ultra Light): I used this lotion just on my nose and cheeks as these areas have randomly been dry and peeling a bit lately. I liked that it went on smoothly and wasn’t too thick. I also like that it didn’t leave me with an white/ashy looking face – something that is important to me with having a medium to dark complexion. It left my skin smooth and soft to the touch without being oily/greasy. Overall I would use this product again.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel: I received this as a sample and I am absolutely in love with it. It makes my skin feel so fresh and soft while keeping it ph balanced. I initially tried it the first couple of days without putting my daily lotion on for hours to see what it did to my skin. It gave it a slight blur – my pores and skin looked smooth and it kept my skin from getting slick and oily for hours.

This foaming gel is not to pricey so it may be something I purchase in the future. I am trying to use up the products that I have now before purchasing replacements though.

Nerium Age-Defying Day Cream: I was gifted this day cream and I really like it. I’ve been using it off an on for months but it wasn’t until recently that I actually used it daily so I did not see the results I was hoping for. My skin feels nice and smooth after using it and it evened out my texture (aside from this strange dry patches that I have randomly getting). Great for under makeup – doesn’t leave you greasy.

Though I like it, I probably wouldn’t purchase it based on the price. I have another lotion that I prefer over this since it has SPF in it and I like how my skin feels after using it consistently. I just wanted to use this bottle up since it is a great product.

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask: I don’t usually use lip masks – I think I’ve owned maybe one ever. Well my lips have been extremely dry and peeling lately – something I thought I had fixed with my lip scrubs and lip treatments. I guess just like the skin on the rest of your face, the skin on your lips can change with the weather as well.

Since I wanted to try something new my sister let me try this lip mask. I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular, however, I was pleasantly surprised by how it made my lips feel. I wore it overnight and in the morning my lips felt soft and supple. They were still peeling a bit, however, they felt very soft which I absolutely love. I would like to use it more often to see if it continues to helps with the dryness that seems to happen just overnight so I may be scooping up a container of my own soon.

Revlon Kiss Exfoliating Balm in Sugar Mint: I absolutely love this exfoliating lip balm. It has a sweet taste to it instead of tasting waxy or medicinal. I have been using it daily since my lips have been drier than usual. I put it on like regular lip balm and then go over it using a circular motion on both of my lips.

This lip balm has tiny sugar crystals that scrub away dry skin and I love that it is non-abrasive. I love that it is a stick so I don’t have to stick my finger in a container – it is also small enough to toss in your purse. I would definitely purchase this again.

What products have you been trying lately?

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