Month: July 2020

What I Love About Living in Hawaii

As some of you know I was raised (and currently live) in Hawaii. It has been my home for most of my life and it really is paradise when I think about it. One thing that I often feel guilty of is not completely enjoying all that Hawaii has to offer – living here makes you often take it for granted. Even though that is true, I am still able to share with you some of the reasons that I love living in Hawaii.

I love the climate. The beach is one of my favorite places to go as I absolutely love swimming. We have beach weather most of the time so I thoroughly enjoy it. It does get humid, however, if it is a nice sunny day there is nothing like a dip in the pool or ocean. Not only does the climate allow for pool and beach activities there are also other outdoor activities to enjoy such as hiking, biking and outdoor exercising such as running and tennis.

I love the food. Since Hawaii is a melting pot and there are so many people from different backgrounds I consider myself blessed to be able to try dishes from many different cultures. I have been lucky to have tried Hawaiian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino food and more!

I love the Aloha Spirit. There is nothing like meeting people for the first time and they instantly make you feel at home. That has been my experience for most of my interactions with people that were raised here. Most people are warm and welcoming to people of all backgrounds. A lot of times you are “adopted” into peoples family so that you have an extended family of sorts. This would be considered your hānai family.

I love living in Hawaii – if you have been here let me know your favorite things from your visit here.

I would also like to know where do you live and what are some of the reasons you love living there – let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Blog Post Ideas

Though I love writing and blogging I often get stuck on what exactly to write about. I’m thinking that I am not alone in this and I hope that this post will be helpful to someone out there that may be stuck on what to write about. So here are some blog post ideas that will inspire you to write a post:

  • Write about your best friend.
  • Write about your favorite meals.
  • Write about your favorite exercises.
  • Write about your favorite TV shows.
  • Write about your favorite vacation and travel tips.
  • Write about your favorite recipe.
  • Write about what you do for self-care.
  • Write lists such as Top 10 recipes
  • Write about your home – what you love about it, show us your garden
  • Write about people that inspire you
  • Write about your favorite tech tips and products
  • Write about something nobody would think about you
  • Write about your favorite things
  • Write about the best things to check out in your city/town/state

You may also like 10 Holiday Blog Post Ideas

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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