Month: November 2020

How I Stay Organized

If you are anything like me


My brain is like chrome with 20+ tabs open at any given time. @todoist helps- I add things to it and work on it later.
July 16, 2016

In the post How to build a smarter to-do list Part I Merlin mentions that in David Allen’s Getting Things Done there is an idea of taking a task (or project) and breaking it into smaller more manageable ones. I have been doing that a lot with my school work because it is easier to keep track of what I have to do next. For example if I have a paper to write the project might be called “Write Research Paper” and within that the tasks would be: pick topic, collect research,
Even collect research can be broken down into smaller more specific tasks like if there are 4 different resources i want to look at that way I don’t miss one of them.

One thing I love about Todoist is that I can do a brain dump and go back to it later to organize it. I especially like their drag and drop feature.

Due dates – I always use due dates/times whenever possible to really keep you on track. You can also select bulk tasks if you need to reschedule or post pone them.

You can sync your account to the phone app, web version and the Chrome extension.

I also like that I can add an email reminder to the task so if I’m in my email I get reminder – just in case it is something super important and my phone is out of reach. Timer

I absolutely love this timer website and I’ve been using it for years. Open up your laptop, plug in a number of how long you want and it will set up a timer for you. I usually use it when I’m actually on my laptop doing something (usally writing) so that I can stay on track – especially if there is something extremely important that I have to do later and I don’t want to lose track of time.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is on my laptop and my cell phone and I love that I can sync them from anywhere. You can invite people to events (via their email address) right inside of the event, you can drag and drop/reschedule events in the web version and you can create different calendars (family, personal, business and so on).

Google Calendar offers lots of different customization options and it has always been reliable and there for me when I needed it most. It also has a task option but I don’t use that anymore as I use ToDoIst much more often to keep track of tasks that need to be done.


Written Notes/Planners

I love having a paper planner – always have and always will. I haven’t been using mine as much as I used to since I have went mostly digital, however, I do keep one around and input important events such as appointments and birthdays so I can see my month at a glance.

I also prefer handwritten note taking over digital, however, I will sometimes transfer information between them. For me keeping a notepad is something I have been doing for years so I usually carry one in my purse or even around the house with me at times. I like to take notes of things to do – such as add things to my Todoist tasks and other things as well. I also like that it is easier to do a brain dump which I can eventually organize later.

More articles on staying organized

+ How to build a smarter to-do list Part I: My favorite part from this post was about delegating actively. I have a problem sometimes with delegating partially because I can be impatient and also because I am a control freak and like things done “right” the first time around.

Instead of taking over and trying to do something it is much better to simply make my task to follow-up and check-in rather than take over a project or task myself. This keeps me in charge of my part while still keeping them accountable for theirs. This is something I have been working on personally and professionally for years. I am a work in progress.

+ How I Use Trello, Asana and Evernote to Organize my Blog: Alice shares some great tips on how to organize your blog. I also think this would work well for business as well.

How do you stay organized? Are there some tools and/or apps that are must-haves for you? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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FabFitFun Beauty Box Subscription Review

As I mentioned in a previous post I have started ordering a couple of subscription boxes and FabFitFun was one of them. I have seen unboxing videos as well as read reviews on them and it seemed like a box that was really worth it to order. My sister has also been a subscriber for awhile and I have eyed up some of the things she has received so that was another reason I thought this would be a great box to order.

Click here to get $10 off your first Seasonal subscription

Here is what I got in my first box:

  1. Botkier New York Bond Tote in black (Retail $128.00): I chose this bag to give as a gift and it works perfectly for the receiver. The only thing that would keep me from purchasing it at the retail price is that the inner lining is poor quality.
  2. P.J. Salvage Grey House Slippers (Retail $45.00): These slippers are super comfy! I love the inner lining.
  3. Original Pink Make Up Eraser (Retail $20.00): I had been looking into some sort of cleansing pads and this should work perfectly.
  4. Winky Luxe Uni-Brow Universal Eyebrow Pencil (Retail $16.00): I don’t usually use eyebrow pencils so this was my least favorite item. I will probably go ahead and give it to someone as a stocking stuffer.
  5. Terre Mere Aloe and Tea Tree Toner (Retail $54.00): I haven’t used this yet, I am waiting to use up my Ole Henrikson toner first. It does smell amazing though.
  6. Wei Two-in-One Purify and Glow Mask Collection (Retail $45.00): The packaging for this is so pretty and I wish they had made it so that I could reuse it again. I’m super excited to use this.
  7. Skin & Co Whipped Polishing Cleansing Cream with Truffle Extract (Retail $28.00): This is probably my favorite item. I have been falling in love with all of Skin & Co’s products lately.
  8. Grace & Stella Dr. Pedicure Exfoliating Foot Mask (Retail $20.00): Also excited to try this. I went back to the shop and purchased more so that I could have another one for myself and one for my sister.

The box also came with coupons/coupon codes.

One thing that is cool about FabFitFun is that if you missed something from a previous box or really enjoyed something you can also go to their shop and purchase items for yourself or for gifts for others at a discounted price. Their shop offers free shipping for all orders over $25.

They also offer exclusive deals for other websites and products.

Click here to get $10 off your first Seasonal subscription

What subscription boxes are you subscribed to? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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7 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. Children’s laughter: It is something about a child’s laughter that just makes me warm inside. No matter what is happening in my life a little giggle from a kid will make me smile – on the inside and the outside.
  2. Tiramisu: Now I love me a sweet treat but it is something about tiramisu that makes me so happy. A good tiramisu will just melt in your mouth and make your tummy smile. If I was only allowed just one dessert for the rest of my life it would be for sure be tiramisu.
  3. Sunsets: Though I love sunrise and love to see the sun greet us for a new day there is just something special about a beautiful sunset. It closes out your day and I love seeing that last sliver of light go down underneath a beautiful pink or orange sky.
  4. Rainbows: There is something about these colorful arches in the sky that put a smile on my face – especially after a refreshing rain. Sometimes I am blessed to see a double rainbow and that makes me even happier than a single one.
  5. A good book: I love to read. I have always collected books and have a fairly large collection to choose from. A perfect day would be devouring a good book as I sip coffee or hot tea next to a window while it rains. I don’t read as often as I would like but I have been scheduling in time to do so which has equated to me reading a lot more than I used to.
  6. Music: Whenever I am in a rut I know that I can find some good music to vibe too. Whether it is my own curated playlist (I have called Feel Good Music) or just discovering some new music, I can usually find some songs that will lift my mood.
  7. Animals: From the wild animals at the zoo to the animals we have at home, animals can really put a smile on my face. I love to watch monkeys play along with each other just as much as I love playing catch with our dogs at home. Most domesticated animals love you no matter what. They also can often tell when you aren’t feeling well and will snuggle up next to you which for me makes me feel better.

What are somethings that make you happy? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Product Empties and Reviews

If you’re like me you have a supply of beauty products to use up. I seem to have collected face washes, moisturizers and other products in the recent past and I tend to use random ones – whatever is right there to use. However, I told myself that I would start to use things more consistently so that I can use items up so that lead to this post.

Some of these products I may have talked about in the past, however, I may have a different opinion on them now since I used the product up.

  1. La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel – $5.99 and up: This face wash leaves my skin feeling soft and cleansed. Not over-cleansed or stripped like a lot of face washes do. Just the right amount of cleansing and skin balancing that I like. I had the trial size of it and can’t remember when I got it from but I would definitely purchase the full size.
  2. Olhenriksen Counter Balance Oil Control Hydrator – $36.00: This brand never disappoints. I have used several of items from their oil control line and have been pleasantly surprised. This line is said to control oil, mattify, reduce the look of pores, does not strip the skin and is noncomedogenic. This hydrator makes my skin feel soft and supple. It also keeps the greasies away for most of the day. I absolutely love the scent. It reminds me a spa so I feel like I am treating myself every time that I use it. I purchased this as part of their Balance it All Travel Kit which included their Balancing Force Oil Control Toner and Find Your Balance Oil Control Cleanser. I am really thinking about purchasing the full size set in the future.
  3. Garnier Clearly Brighter Argan Nut Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser – $7.99: Though this cleanser left my skin feeling clean, I did not think it was as gentle as it claims. The little beads (which I’m assuming are pieces of the argan nuts) are a bit rough on the skin. The actual gel part, however, got my skin cleansed and feeling good. As far as brightening, I do feel it helped to brighten my skin a bit. It wasn’t glowing but it did the job. I hate to throw products out and didn’t have anyone to pass this on to so I decided to use it up – which it felt like took forever, lol. I believe this was gifted to me by my sister and I would not purchase this again.
  4. Skin & Co Truffle Therapy Polishing Micro-Exfoiliating Truffle Face Gommage – $26.00: This was gifted to me by my sister and she used most of the product but there was enough in it for me to get several uses out of it. This was the 1oz tube so I’m assuming it is a trial/small size as it comes in 5oz tube as well. One thing I love about this is the smell – yummy and almondy. It has apricot kernels, truffle extract and almond oil in it. I like that it was exfoliating without being too rough on the skin. My skin soaked it right up and felt soft and supple even after the first use. It says to use 2-3 times a week so that is what I did (while using my other face cleanser on off days). I do think it softened up my skin and helped with some of the strange dry patches I’ve been having lately.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Email Subscriptions to Sign up For

I know – most of us continue to clean out our email subscriptions in order to get to inbox zero. I recently went on an unsubscribe spree myself. However, there are some subscriptions that I actually read and interact with so I thought I would share them here if you are looking for a daily dose of goodness.

If you use gmail I would suggest creating labels and having these automatically be labeled so that you can access them when you are ready to read them.

theSkimm: This email subscription “skims” news announcements, shares them and then offers bite size summaries that are easy to digest.

Daily Reflections by Susan Gregg: Susan offers a daily dose of thought-provoking goodness. From quotes to things that will make you dive deeper into your spirituality, there is something for everyone.

The Newsette: This subscription offers a morning update on things that are happening around the world, bits of inspirational information and topics that will spark conversations. Sign up for The Newsette via my referral link so I can earn some cool swag (and so can you once your friends sign up under your referral link).

Verily Magazine: Just think about a daily roundup of lifestyle articles, inspirational topics and much more. I love that I don’t have to go to their website everyday since they send updates daily.

Refinery29 Money Diaries: I am obsessed with this email subscription. Refinery29 sends you money diaries of people all around the globe. It includes peoples income, how much things cost and how they spend their money.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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