January: This month I got back into my meditation and self-care practices. This mostly happened towards the end of the month so I went into February feeling extra happy and positive about the year going forward. Of course because of Coved-19 I was bummed that we couldn’t go outside and do “normal” things like celebrate my sisters birthday. We made the best of it and had a intimate time together at our home.

February: How does yoga and nature walks sound? Well that was my goal for this month – to do one (or both) of those things 3-5 times a week. The first week was a little rough getting back into it – for some reason my energy was low so I wasn’t really motivated to do anything. I probably needed more Vitamin D which even with supplements was needed by going outside.

March: Spent a lot of time organizing and spring cleaning. Donated a bunch of items and clothes which always makes me feel good.

April: This month I got back into my exercise routine. I started working out 5 days a week, upped my water intake and chose healthier food options. Felt better after the first week. Highly recommend. I also started limiting my time on Social Media.









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