Reading: For this year I decided that I would like to read a minimum of 1 book every month. Last year I kept starting books and then never finishing them but this year has been going well for me. I’ve already read one book (via audible) and am on track to finish possibly 2-3 more depending on how often I read. I’ve been using audible as well as hard copies of books – depending on the book. The one that I am finishing up on is Do Over by Jon Acuff. If you are looking to advance or change your career trajectory I would highly recommend picking this book up! NOW!

Watching: I haven’t really been in the mood to watch much tv lately but I had some family members that introduced me to a Netflix original series called Sweet Tooth and I’ve really been enjoying watching it. It is a bit wild because the world is going through a pandemic in the show but the enjoyable part is that there are babies being born half animal and half human. So something a little different. If you like a little adventure and a little bit of chaos you should enjoy this show as well.

Listening: The latest projects I’ve been listening to is The Weeknd and Adele. Something upbeat and something a bit somber. A good mix of both. I’m actually using my SoundCloud account for once – stepped away from my go-to Pandora account (I know, I know, what century am I living in?).

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