The KDP Tips below are mostly for people publishing low content books, however, some of it is helpful for those self-publishing a novel, self help book and so on.

KDP Tip: SEO and Keywords

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and keywords are extremely important in getting people to find your book. Keywords should be related to what your book is about. Think about what would someone type in the search bar to find your book?

An example is this blog post. If you found it through Google what keyword(s) did you enter? Did you enter KDP Tips? Or Self-publishing? Maybe something else (let me know in the comments).

KDP Tip: Niche

Niche Examples: Scuba Diving, Gardening, ADHD

KDP Tip: Description Box

The description box is the perfect place to really introduce your book to the world. Be sure to use the free formatting tools so that it looks polished.

KDP Tip: Catchy Title?

As mentioned above keywords are extremely important in publishing your first book and it is just as important to use keywords in your title. Some people try to be fancy with their title but if you stick to popular keywords/phrases your book is more likely to be found when someone searches.

Example Title for Low Content Books: Cute Succulent Notebook will probably get more searches than just the title Notebook.

Example Title for Gardening Books: If your book is about succulents a title like A Book About Succulents will probably get searched less than something more specific like Succulent Book for Beginners.

KDP Tip: Tools

Canva, Book Bolt, Tangent, KDP, 99 Designs, 100 Covers, Pexels, Photoshop, Illustrator

I will be updating this post as I learn more and I hope this was helpful. Please leave a comment letting me know what helped and if there is anything you think I should add. I will be doing an update post on how my sales were for this month.

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