Hey there! Thank you for stopping in. I hope that this new month finds you well. Through all the craziness that 2020 has brought upon us please find some time to take care of you. Here are some things you can do from home to take care of you during this time. I also wrote about some things to do when you’re bored at home.
Anywho, welcome to Flashback Friday for this week – these posts are where I write about what has been going on with me during the week. I am hoping to do this series a little more often since I enjoy doing it so much. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

I’m writing a book: I started writing a book many years ago and am still working on it but I’m currently working on a new book and I feel like this one should be complete before the other one. I am starting with an outline and adding to it. My goal is to write a little something at least a few times a week so that things get moving for me. I’ll be sure to update y’all as I go along. I may even drop a sneak peek eventually.
I’ve been writing blog posts: I have been inspired and motivated more lately and this equates to me coming up with more blog post ideas. I have been enjoying writing new posts and I am hoping that my readers enjoy coming back to read them. My plan is to at least publish 1 post a week at the very minimum – preferably on Sundays. So if I stick with Flashback Fridays I will also be posting an additional post on Fridays. Wish me luck!
I’ve been purging and organizing: Lately I have been on a purging kick. I have been not only cleaning my physical space but also my digital. From organizing my room to deleting old photos and documents I am enjoying the feeling of letting things go that no longer serve me.
I’ve been working on my health and well-being: Though I’ve been working on this off and on, I have recently been more diligent in doing so. I have been attempting to watch my carb intake as well as go on walks and/or do yoga most days of the week.
Also, sleep health has been important so I have decided to go to sleep at an earlier time than usual. No late nights thinking and/or on social media – so far this has been a struggle but I’m doing better most nights. I have been feeling so much better and lost a couple pounds along the way.
I have been also working on my mental health along the way. From practicing my daily affirmations to working closely with my therapist (and doing the homework they assign me) so that I can live a healthier lifestyle.
I’ve been reading more often: From online articles and short emails (with useful information) to physical and digital books, I have made the decision to read as often as I can. My goal is to read at least a little something daily and I have been doing fairly well. I have been debating recently on starting my Audible subscription back up so that I can “read” digital books without purchasing the hard copies and adding it to my huge book collection.
Let us know what you have been up to in the comments.
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