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I hope that you all had a wonderful week! Thank you for stopping in to see what I had going on during the past week. If this is your first time here, welcome! Let me know how you ended up here… Twitter?… Facebook?… A Magical Unicorn Ride? I always like to know how people end up on my blog.
As most of you know, 2016 brought a lot of new “things” into my life. I ended up moving to a new place, I started a new semester at school, I started some new side hustles to supplement my income and lastly my drivers side door decided it no longer wanted to work so I now have to climb through the back door to get into the car.
I have tried to stay calm and not get overwhelmed by everything that is happening in my life and this past week I decided I really just wanted to do some FUN things and enjoy myself. So you will see that theme here.
So… last weekend was really great. I got to take care of my niece and nephew while my sister and her husband spent the weekend together. We spent our time watching a lot of Netflix and playing video games. It was really nice. We watched Jem and the Holograms cartoon shows (from 1985) – it was like I was a little girl again. We also watched a lot of Sponge Bob because they are into that for some reason.
We would take breaks and we would also play a little Just Dance 2016. So we got our workout in for the weekend and it was a blast. They created my own character (not sure what they are called) on there and we challenged each other and cheered each other on. Fun times!
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Another thing I have been doing lately is taking a lot of e-courses, attending webinars and online classes related to business and blogging. Last weekend I watched a Visual Strategy for Pinterest. It was excellent! They gave me some great tips and I have loved Pinterest from the first pin I have ever pinned. I used to just pin everything I loved but now I do things a bit differently. I pin smarter!
Last weekend was also my youngest sisters birthday and she chose to go to a museum as her birthday activity. We ended up at the Bishop Museum and after checking out all the Polynesian and Hawaiian exhibits we went to the World of Wearable Art Exhibit. There were so many amazing pieces and the video they had of the event was amazing. It was hard to take pictures of all my favorites because it was dark and my phone was drying lol.

I enjoyed myself so much! There was also an area to make your own paper dolls and my family and I had fun drawing and cutting and pasting to “design” wearable art for our paper dolls.
This was a busy week for me at work and school, however, I was able to find moments to do some of my favorite things such as reading, writing and hanging out on Pinterest for a bit. I even ended up using a recipe I found on Pinterest to cook an easy dinner.
What fun things did you do this week?
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