Category: Her

Final Flashback Friday of 2016

Hey there!
2016 has been a year… one for the books. AMIRITE?? It has been full of lots of ups and lots of downs for myself (and apparently for others as well). So many things happened that I sorta don’t even know where to start but I wanted to post one final Flashback Friday’s post for the year because I enjoy doing them so much! Keep reading for more about what I was up to this past week.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Aside from being shocked by all the celebrity deaths this year, I have been feeling uneasy about the ending of this year. If have been feeling so exhausted – mentally and physically – and have had a lingering headache for 4 days already! I feel the weight of frustration and sadness slowly lifting yet my mind feels “heavy” – I can’t really put it into words. It is sort of like this irritating pressure.

I am super excited for a new year and new beginnings. I just want to let go of 2016 and all the crap that I had to endure. I have positive things coming in 2017 and I am super excited about that. I will be graduating this upcoming semester and I have a performance review coming up at work which could mean a pay raise – those two things alone have got me excited.

Another thing I am looking forward to is my Best Friend’s wedding. I can’t wait to dress up and join her in celebrating this new chapter of her life with her. I’m also having to search for a new place to live because the building I am currently residing in is being sold and I believe they may be planning renovations. Everything is going to work out towards the end of the semester so things should hopefully work out seamlessly.

I am looking forward to new beginnings!

Since I am out of school for a couple more weeks I have mostly been working and getting other things in order that I wasn’t able to the past couple of months. I have been doing a lot of organizing, planning and purging. Out with the old, in with the new. Even though I haven’t been feeling well I have been in a very positive and inspired place lately so I have been riding that wave the best I can.

Adios 2016! What are your plans for New Year’s Eve and what are you planning for 2017? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: End of The Semester Edition

Dear Fellow College Students,
You can take a deep breath.
I am hoping that you had a great semester and that all of your papers, presentations and finals are turned in and no longer something on your to do list. You have done all that you could have possibly done (hopefully) to make this a successful semester.

*Cheers to you and high five if you are a graduating Senior*

You made it to the end of the semester! It is time to enjoy the Winter Break.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

This semester was actually a fairly “easy” one for me compared to some of the more recent ones that I have had. Mainly because I enjoyed the courses and Professors that I had. It was full of great information and great people to share and learn it with. Even though my life was all turned upside down I was able to finish the semester fairly unscathed. I am super excited for next semester (and scared out of my mind) because I am taking my two Senior Projects and will be graduating (finally).

I only had 2 courses this semester and they were both online. One actually ended back in September so I am happy that I had about 2 months of just having 1 course to deal with. I’m so happy that they were online because when I went to Georgia while my Dad was hospitalized and after he passed away I think I would have had to drop the course since I was away for so long. Online courses aren’t for everyone, however, they can sometimes be a huge blessing.

I am proud of myself for getting through this semester even while I felt like the world was crumbling beneath my feet. My college career has a been a long journey and I will write about it more on a separate occasion because there are some topics I want to touch on that would do better in a different post. I will probably work on that during the winter break.

I am currently working on a post of resources for college students – it has been sitting in my draft folder since last semester – and it will be posted at the beginning of next semester so be sure to be on the lookout for that. I feel like I had so many more resources to share so I wanted to go back and edit it a bit more before I launch it out to the interwebs.

If you haven’t had time to go shopping for others make sure you check out my gift guides and be sure to check out this post featuring Companies That Give Back When You Make A Purchase This Season.

Thank you so much for stopping in and I hope to chat with you soon.

What are your plans for the Winter Break? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Living Through Loss

Trigger Warning: I recently lost my Father so this post may get emotional and be triggering for people that are still in mourning, bereavement and so on.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

F*ck 2016.
Seriously. I had such a positive outlook for this year and it seems like every time things are going well I get hit with a curve ball. The past couple of years have been challenging but 2016 is really the year that I feel is testing me and taking me to my limit. I am at my breaking point and each time I really want to give up someone comes to me and says something positive, loving and/or encouraging.

I went into 2016 with health and and other personal issues – I got through them the best I could. I felt lost and unsure on so many occasions but things slowly started getting better. I was feeling happy and healthy but over the summer I suffered a serious allergic reaction which sent me to the hospital for 3 days while they monitored me. I now have certain foods I have to avoid and will have to carry an Epi Pen with me for the rest of my life.

Soon after my hospital stay, my Aunt fell ill and ended up in the hospital. She suffered several heart attacks and passed away. I was thousands of miles away and I felt so guilty and frustrated because I wasn’t able to be there to tell her I love her and be with my family. I still have days I reach for the phone to call her only to remember that she is no longer there.

I thought that would be where the struggle and pain of this year would taper off. I was wrong.

Early in October I called my Dad and he told me that he wasn’t feeling well – he thought he had the flu. He apologized for cutting our call short. We exchanged our “I love you’s” and little did I know that would be my last time hearing his voice.

Soon after our last conversation he ended up in the hospital for pneumonia and ended up being put in a medically-induced coma so he could be intubated. Awhile later he seemed to be doing better – tube was taken out and he was moved out of ICU. Within two days he had a heart attack and was intubated again. My Mom worked some magic so that I could come to Georgia and be with him and my family. I thought he would kick this.

He had a total of 3 heart attacks and some seizures. There was too much damage done to his brain and things looked grim. I tried to remain positive and present but I would just cry randomly and my sleep schedule continues to suffer. Once I had the courage to ask the prognosis I knew that even if he was taken off the machines and could breath on his own – he would not be the same person we all knew and loved.

He was removed from life support on a Friday, moved to a Hospice facility on a Saturday and passed away on Sunday, October 30, 2016.

Living Through Loss

It has been a week since I stood in that ICU room while they removed the breathing tube and this weekend we are holding a memorial service for him. Anything that reminds me of him either makes me cry or makes my heart ache – sometimes both at the same time.

I want to sleep because maybe this is just a horrible nightmare yet fear, hurt, resentment and guilt fill my thoughts in the quiet of the night. Why couldn’t I be here sooner? Did he really know how much I loved him? I only eventually sleep because my body just cant take it anymore so it shuts down.

Depression and anxiety constantly knock at my door.

I feel like I am at one place in time and the entire world is just passing me by. I forget what day it is often – days turn to nights right before my eyes. I enjoy time with family but when I am not “busy” I get overwhelmed with grief. I’m an emotional eater yet I let my body feel empty. I feel lost and confused.

I told a friend that reached out to me with comforting words that I feel like I am about to crack open and end up in a dark place. He assured me that I am stronger than I know and if I “go there” I will find my way back out. I have so many wonderful friends and family members – as well as strangers that have reached out to me. I really feel like this support is what has kept me going because there are so many times I just want to give up.

I constantly tell myself that I can get through this. That I am a strong person. I can hear my Dads voice saying “don’t worry suga” – it is reassuring yet hurts at the same time.

This is what it is like living through loss.

Click here to donate to my bereavement fund

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Flashback Friday’s: Make It Work

Welcome to another edition of Flashback Fridays. I hope that this post finds you doing well and excited for the weekend.

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This week has been eventful yet somehow relaxing at the same time compared to last week. I was glad that things sort of slowed down for me yet I was able to get a lot accomplished and had more fun days than blah days.

Last week I was extremely busy with school work as I did my part in wrapping up a final group project. At work things were a little crazy as well as I worked more hours and days than usual in order to make a deadline.

This week I was able to get together with family a few times and enjoy my time with then. From shopping & dinners to arcade games and catching up on our favorite shows together including Project Runway.

We are 1 week into October and I feel like if I blink Christmas will be here in no time. I am wanting to get so many things accomplished this month yet take it slow. I will have to somehow find balance in there somewhere.

I wasn’t able to get as much leisure reading in as I had hoped this week, however, I was able to check out some magazines while I was sitting in a waiting room waiting for a family member. Of course I chose the fashion ones to look through first.

Normally offices only have older issues so I was shocked and excited to find the October Issue of VOGUE featuring Lupita on the cover. I devoured each and every page – taking in all of the fall fashion and reading as many of the articles as I could muster.

Fashion magazines have been my escape and happy place for as long as I can remember. They sparked my interest in fashion design & marketing/advertising. Even though I never went into those fields they continue to be things I am passionate about.

Random fact: I once stopped by the Art Institute of Atlanta because I was interested in a degree in Fashion Design but at the time they didn’t have a degree available so I almost ended up in Advertising. The Adviser talked me out of it (sort of) by reminding me not to take something that would take years and $ out of my pocket that I may not be fully committed to. She was right – best advice ever.

I’m glad that I was able to go through the VOGUE and other fashion magazines. I feel inspired. I haven’t been feeling happy about myself and how I look lately and it shows in how I dress. I haven’t dressed up much since I left my Retail Store Manager position and I plan on changing that. I love clothes and fashion – this little magazine binge I had may be just what I needed.

It was a great week to make new memories and enjoy time with the people I care about. I hope that yours was great and if you are in one of the areas in the path of Mathew I hope that you are staying safe. Have a wonderful weekend!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: Naps Are Necessary

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This week was a bit of a blur. I was feeling a little under the weather – body aches, stuffy nose and itchy throat. I made sure I stayed hydrated by drinking a lot of water and consumed a lot of green tea with honey to sooth my throat (and make me feel better). I actually surprised myself because I was able to get a lot done in regards to blogging, my business and school work.

One thing I realized is that even when I am not feeling well I always end up trying to push through and get things done. This can cause burnout and keep me from feeling better faster as well. After last semesters repeated sick days I didn’t want to go that route again. Instead of trying to push through – I napped. Whenever I really just felt like my body was saying “relax” – I listened. I laid down and took a nap for however long my body felt it needed to rest. Upon waking I felt refreshed (as much as I could feel while still feeling like crap) and was able to get back to getting things done.

I always laugh at how children get older they fight having to take a nap and as adults get older we fight it too but for a different reason. We fight it because we think that we need to be doing something – anything really – other than taking a nap. We don’t want to feel judged. We don’t want people to think we are a bad or irresponsible person. But deep down, even though we are fighting it, we actually crave being able to just relax and nap it out.

But Rose, naps are for babies. WRONG. Naps are mutherfrackin necessary. I give you permission to take a nap (or several) when you feel the need to do so – of course if you do it at work I am not responsible for what might happen. But if you are at home and just feel the need to lay it down for a bit – do it. I promise, you will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever is next.

You might enjoy:
How To Boost Your Immune System (Right Before Cold Season Strikes)
Information about napping from the National Sleep Foundation

My wins for the week:
I’m happy to announce that I made it to 1,000 followers on Pinterest! That made my day! Also, in my Avon business I got my first recruit to mentor – I am super excited to help them get their Avon business started. Another thing I was happy about is that we got a 23/25 on our group project and we are nearly done with the draft and presentation for our final project so we will be able to submit it for review and editing in more than enough time to edit it if the professor sees anything he feels we need to change. So even though I wasn’t physically feeling too good – I was in a good mood most of the the week. YAY!

I hope that you had a wonderful week. Let me know what you think about naps. Do you think naps are necessary?

HostGator Mystery Sale. 55%-65% OFF Hosting. Effective 9/19-9/23

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: What I’m Loving This Week

Normally my Flashback Friday’s posts are personal – I talk about work, school, blogging and family. I thought I would switch it up this week and share some of my favorite things from this week. So thank you for stopping by and take a look below to find out what has been bringing me joy. Especially since you have heard me complain about Mercury Retrograde and life two Friday’s in a row.
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Flashback Fridays – What I’m Loving This Week

Beauty & Makeup

NARS Velvet Lip Glide in Toy-Toy Cloaks like a lipstick. Glides like a gloss. Confident color. Covetable comfort.Find out more about NARS Velvet Lip Glide

I am loving the NARS Velvet Lip Glide and want every color but Toy-Toy is by far my favorite color. They are only available until October so make sure you pick up your favorites before they sell out. I am also loving NARS Velvet Lip Glide in Unspeakable – perfect color for fall!

Fashion & Style

The interwebs have been abuzz with NYFW (New York Fashion Week) updates – everywhere that I turned online there were updates to check out. One thing I was super excited about were the plus size models that walked in Christian Siriano’s show along with the launch of his collaboration with Lane Bryant.

I was excited to find out that Sarah Jessica Parker has launched her Italian-made collection SJP by Sarah Jessica Parker which includes shoes, boots, flats, handbags and more. I really loved the SJP by Sarah Jessica Parker Women’s Bobbie Dress Sandal featured in the above image.

Check out previous Flashback Friday’s Posts

Flashback Fridays – More Things I’m Loving This Week

Blogging & Business
As I have been working on new content for the blog I have also been going back and updating old posts when I have time as well. As a blogger I realize that sometimes readers end up at old posts and it is important to keep all posts as updated and/or create a new post that talks about the update – things change, my thoughts change, I learn new things and even though a post may be “old” I would still like it to be as transparent and “current” as it can be.

While going through some of my favorite blogs I came across Katie’s post about How to Update Old Content and it was a nice reminder to go through some posts this week when I had time. I was able to update some older posts and while doing that I was inspired to start working on some other content as well.

I have slowly became addicted to webinars and podcasts. Though I have listened to many different ones there are only a handful that a religiously follow and take notes on. I usually don’t get to listen until the weekend so I usually binge through a couple at a time. The most recent one that I really enjoyed was Myleik Teele’s one titled “How I QUIT My Job! A Chat with Courtney Sanders of” These are two of my favorite women when it comes to business and growing a brand so I was super excited to hear that Myleik was having Courtney Sanders on there. If you are building a brand, are interested in turning that side hustle to a business and leaving that 9 to 5 – listen to this and when you have time listen to their podcasts + visit their websites.
Myleik’s Website:
Myleik’s Podcast: Myleik Teele’s Podcast
Courtney’s Website:
Courtney’s Podcast: Think and Grow Chick Podcast

Music & Entertainment

Macy Gray released a new album last week and I am loving what I have heard so far. Her beautifully distinctive raspy voice always gives me good vibes and I somehow ended up on youtube to listen to her singing Christmas songs!! (I loooooove Christmas music by the way)

If you loved Stranger Things on Netflix as much as I did – I’m sure you also enjoyed the soundtrack. Get your fix of 80’s vibes with the Stranger Things – The Complete Fantasy Playlist (Various Artists). You can also pre-order the Stranger Things Soundtrack via Amazon here: Stranger Things Soundtrack Vol. 1 and Stranger Things Soundtrack Vol. 2 (which I just had to add to my Amazon wishlist.)

Speaking of Amazon, I am only now really taking advantage of all the great Amazon Prime Student benefits which aside from the great deals and cool shipping options includes exclusive movie, music and Kindle book options. According to Amazon “As a Prime member, you get unlimited access to over a million songs and hundreds of custom-built playlists for FREE.

Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial

I have been enjoying the available playlists and making my own as well – you can even add music from your own computer. Not only can I stream music at no additional cost there are so many movies and shows that I can stream as well. If you have an Amazon Prime account (or don’t have one at all) and are a student I would highly recommend signing up for a Amazon Prime Student account – so many great benefits and it costs less than the normal Amazon Prime account! Amazon Student is the way to go!

Join Prime Student FREE Two-Day Shipping for College Students


Thank you again for stopping by! I hope that you had a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend. Let me know in the comments what you have been loving lately!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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